
I know. Your gun should always be in one of three places. Either your hands, or its locked travel case, or your locked gun safe. It should never just be left in a bag. That is how kids end up shooting each other.

I might be able to muster up some empathy if all his problems weren’t knowingly and willingly self inflicted.

You can’t kidnap people, even if it’s for a good cause. He gets to decide if he wants to be in treatment unless he’s a danger to himself or others.

I wish people could be taken into treatment in less dire situations. I called 911 for a homeless woman with an obvious foot infection who was getting wet from sprinklers

You are making the mistake of equating “faith” with “belief in God”. I don’t think that they are the same thing at all. Or at least “belief in God” is not the only or complete definition of the word “faith”.

Neo-atheists and fundamentalists are nearly the same. Limited literalists and public assholes.

What are you, a sophomore?

It’s still funny to them. Being Republican means no self-reflection. Seriously, Steve Scalise got shot playing ball and he never once thought, “Maybe I should reflect on this and see how these guns are affecting American lives.”

And outside take - he has to push the return to office narrative because he wants to sell more cars. If people work from home, the need to replace gas car will decrease because it doesn’t matter if you only get 15 mpg if you only use your car for quick around town errands and on weekends. With most EVs generating a

Why don’t they ask the Ex Governor Arni if he’d do it.. became clear to me that the House Republican Conference does not need a bully as the Speaker.

This all started with Newt and his strategy of demonizing his opponents as a way to rile up the base. Fast forward to 2010 when the GOP drummed up anger over the ACA to win at the local/state level and redistrict a ton of formerly competitive seats to be safe, leading to the party primaries being the “real” election

The republican party went fully demented the moment a black man was elected president, and they’ve been punishing the country and its citizens ever since.

We should all point and laugh (Nelson style: HaHa!)… but this is how democracy dies. This is just another one of the thousand cuts that’s going to kill this country as we know it. If the government doesn’t function, this country doesn’t function; which is exactly what half of these clowns want.

I thought the MAGAts were all up for threatening phone calls and literal violence against House members’ families when it was Nancy Pelosi’s husband or Hunter Biden. Now they don’t like it all of a sudden when it’s their own spouses and children? Boo-hoo

at least one member left to go to the chapel and pray

Yes, when I have a flat tire, it’s always with a pre-production car that I abandon and cover with a tarp.

Um Aquaman made over a billion at the world box-office so not a flop. Its the highest grossing film in the entire DCEU.

While I don’t disagree that there are more pressing issues in the world.  This is a tech blog.  This is kindof what they write about. If you want to read about climate change and global conflict, there are lots of other places on the internet to do that.

CEO title, even CEO of a sinking ship, gets you that top-level resumé so you can hopefully go be CEO of somewhere that isn’t a sinking ship. Essentially she hit the top at NBC and had to go find somewhere else she could move up.

China makes it work by absolutely not caring about the environment.