
because pieces of shit carry pieces of shit 

“I am a poor, oppressed millionaire. I eat anything, live anywhere, and say anything I want on national television. Working class people whom I don’t know send me money for my legal bills. I am a poor victim in this cruel world.

censorship = people are not paying enough attention to me. This happened in a local school board fight about banning books. A lot of people who had been getting up to scream at board and call everyone a bunch of pedophiles and groomers claimed that no one was listening to them. More accurately, people WERE listening

The person who suffers from PTSD and thinks that PTSD isn’t a valid excuse for shooting someone BECAUSE NOTHING IS.

Since they are obviously uncontrollable ticking timebombs, maybe combat vets with PTSD shouldn’t be allowed to own firearms?

Cool, so can I go kill people and use my documented PTSD as an excuse for sympathy and as a get-out-of-jail-free card? I’m such a victim! Guy was an old POS who stewed for 2 damn years over a stupid car repair that he never brought up with the shop as being what he felt was inadequate and that couldn’t have been that

“Stop letting more people into my prison yard” is such a bizarre defense.

Imagine not remembering that this was the way it used to be.  No one went shopping at the airport then, they wont do it now.  It just means that people who are stuck at the airport have to suffer less.  If means you can meet people during layovers for lunch or shopping.

What are you out of?

Kids? I’m 36.

don’t worry, g_k is probably an airline shill

Can we just have the boat get up a lot of speed and jump the continent?

That would be so much cooler.

Should I post a photo of my college degree every time I write an article?

I’m not arguing here against the state being hostile to women’s healthcare and personhood one bit. I agree with you. I am just stating, and I think we’re going to be seeing more of this due to these insane violations of the rights of pregnant people, that consequentially folks are going to take steps and actions, like

Hello child. Here are some notes to assist you with your reading and comprehension challenges.

Even though that law applies to licensed abortion providers, not people self-managing their own terminations, Jessica Burgess was still charged.

I am pro-choice and deeply mourning the loss of reproductive rights in this country. [Bracing]. And I also think this case feels complex as at over 7 months we are talking less about a clump of cells and more about a living being who could technically be born at that time and, with assistance, survive. If this occured

Gotta try harder with your rape apologia. Perhaps Masterson really knows what happened to JFK and the illuminati are out to get him? Or maybe his victims had purchased lipstick on one occasion so they deserved it. Be honest with yourself, there’s no amount of evidence that would ever convince you. 

“You make one silver coin, I make ten silver coins. It is fair!”

So a handful of essentially hand built rigs hauling mostly air? Impressive.