
There is no amount of salt that makes his advice good. Ignore him completely. If you see him in person, tell him he sucks.

Fuck Jim Cramer.

IIRC, a dartboard outperforms most professional traders.

This. Cramer is a fucktard that has lost all respectability. 

This went down the way it needed to. I am normally very critical of any killing at the hands of police but in this case it’s pretty black & white. This “Sovereign Citizen” was the aggressor and earned his Darwin award, full stop.

It did. That’s what he was referring to when he said “Why did I go to fucking jail for what you just did? And you’re still sitting there?”

Maybe it wasn’t written to deal with that, but the language of the statute fits with this situation. Also, it wasn’t supposed to be publicly available. It was a livestream that was apparently archived against her wishes and understanding. Good to know your takeaway from all of this is how stupid this woman is, good

“Johns?” Hahahahaha. Okay Lt. Brisco.

You can tell this is a democratic scandal because the sex is consensual and with a spouse rather than the usual Republican scandal of extra-martial sex with a prostitute, porn star, rape victim, or underage teenager.

I get that shitty attitudes still abound, but she can’t just be broken up with. I don’t think she’s going to drop out, I don’t think there will be any real pressure for her to drop out (especially a couple months from the election), and I think in the context of 2023 where LOTS of people send nude photos and videos to

Did you not even read the story?  If its a violation of Virginia’s revenge porn law, then its a sex crime.

Lol, do you think buying drugs is disqualifying? I have some information about a couple of our recent presidents…

A bit curious why the Washington Post, as haughty an outlet that exists this side of the New York Times, ran this story in the first place (revenge porn aside). Campaigns can publish their own oppo research nowadays, but the Post publishing it gives it a veneer of importance. How did the Post figure this information


a member of the biggest gang in the USA shoots their mouth off again.

A grad student in information systems (hell, a grad student in anything) has far more value than this shitstain cop. This is murder, no doubt about it.

Auderer himself responded to the scene of the January 23rd crash to conduct a drug test of Dave.”

And now I’m guessing he didn’t conduct that test reliably.

>So, yeah, the most important thing about Gibson’s videos with her husband is that her opponent wants to ban abortion—end of story.

Ah yes. The value of a PoC, coming from a PoS. Fuck this clown.

Shocking exposes.....Democrat women’s hemlines rise to whorish levels! Our 11 part documentary next on Fox News. Got to love their ability to play both sides of the fence without an ounce of hypocrisy.