
White guy here. Can we please stop acting like people of color elected Trump? Or anyone in the GOP, for that matter?

Can we please stop acting like all white people are Trump supporters and racists?

That’s the point, my friend. They don’t CARE about the policies. Any more than they cared about Obama’s policies. The motivations are deeper and more sickening than that. 

I frequently drunk endorse Trump on Facebook, even though he is the worst President the US has ever had. 

Facebook, much like alcohol, doesn’t make you racist, it just reveals your racism.

Here are a few pics taken from my garden (the ship is roughly 10km away), the first one taken shortly after it ran aground:

I know how he feels. I constantly post opinions like “Raisin Bran #1 cereal” when in actuality that is not my position.

My problem with shit like this is that they always go to the lowest rung possible  to insult someone. Instead of attacking her about her policies, her work in the past,it goes straight to insults or name calling.

“The phrase I posted does not reflect my personal views at all,”

It’s not about features, everyone has the same features. It’s about every day usability and security. 

Hey now, I still use my HP Elite x3 (Windows Phone).

I wish there was a decent alternative to iPhones.

Disappointed, yes. But the goalpost you set was not disappointed, it was “upset,” and your original reasoning was that “the why is irrelevant.”


If I waited 15 years for something and then had to wait another year because of, you know, a world crisis, I’d be okay.

Choosing to be ignorant to the world is how Trump was elected, so definitely not surprised. Choosing not to pay attention to the world around them and only worry for themselves is a classic white boomer hallmark.

It appears that “looking at the big picture” isn’t for everyone. Having perspective can help a ton. 

They are really just Karens wanting to talk to the manager so they will wave the higher prices and give them some desert on the house. They aren’t actually that upset. It is just an act they put on to get discounts and free stuff to shut them up.

I’m still wondering how they’ve managed to lose so much money without even paying their employees!