
In the US is the key here. Once they cross into canadian waters the laws that apply are canadian laws, which apparently do require vessels with more than 12 passengers or over 8 meters long to have AIS. That’s also something you can google. It’s a fairly new regulation that went into effect a little over a year ago,

The story is about US boaters illegally going into Canadian waters. You go to a different country, you follow their laws. Who gives a shit about US law. It’s Canadian law that matters. More American arrogance. This is why the rest of the world can’t stand Americans.

Yeah, no. Passengers are not generally just people paying a fee for a ride. Unless you can provide the specific Canadian code that says they are?

I don’t see the word paying in that definition. A passenger is a non-crew member riding on a a transport device of some kind.

You are right, they aren’t required on all boats in the US. But it is required on all vessels over 8 meters in length Canada. That’s pretty much any boat that’s as long as a full size pickup.

Or perhaps you’re unaware that since the craft in question are in Canada, it’s Canadian Maritime Law that’s applicable, which DOES require transponders for anything over 8 meters in length. Or perhaps you didn’t actually read the part of the article where the source specified the craft entered Canadian waters and THEN

Let me remind you. You said:

Can you point out what misinformation this site (Jalopnik) provided?

I have no trouble believing that something like the described was in a textbook.

Yeah, that story sounds made up.  You’ve probably told it so many times that your brain thinks it’s true.

Trump and his appointees have shown us the many ways this government can be abused. Executive Orders, Acting vs Confirmed government officials (if they don’t have to be confirmed then they are never vetted or vouched for), the senate refusing to confirm judges until their preferred party is in office (they scrutinized

Can Donald just admit the real reason he is going after Tik Tok is that a brilliant black woman named Sarah Cooper has taken the App and used it to perfection to mock and emasculate his pathetic fat ass? One more time, the thing that I find fascinating and infuriating is how many MAGA hat wearing douche nozzles think

I mean, it could be both.

So, Alan, it turns out that folks weren’t ostracizing you at all those Hamptons parties because you chose to be a mouthpiece for Trump during his impeachment. They were staying away from you because you’re skeevy AF.

I dunno. The Cosby Show is one of the most important shows in television history and Bill Cosby is a monster, but contextually I don’t think any of that shows up in his work.

My Ancient Elantra had corrosion in both front control arms. Hyundai replaced both for free on a recall (which is a form of warranty) even though the car was 15 years old.

Not all art is created within the context of the creator, and a lot of famous artists were really terrible people. Just looking at some writers:

If a little “curb contact” busts a ball joint or breaks a control arm, your car is a piece of shit. Go walk down your street and you’ll probably find curb rash on 9 out of 10 sets of wheels. Then note how many of them also have busted ball joints.

While this is certainly true, it is different when they come for your thing.

Fiiiiine. Where can i receive my commemorative torch and pitchfork?