
Really ridiculous, illegal, and, of course, very unfair”

“Why is everybody so mean to me?!”, says most powerful man in the Western Hemisphere who was elected because CNN, the news source who he goaded his supporters into attacking with pipe-bombs, gave him massive press coverage.

Such a tough and manly President. Nothing says toughness like bitching about what's trending on Twitter. It's not fair!

Ditka was a shitty coach. The '85 Bears special reveals how egotistical and full of shit he was, telling the team to stay focused on the repeat while he was out shilling for every product that came his way. He's a shitty human being as well. Fuck him.

I mean for a man that made his living off of the sweat and labor of black men post playing career he sure does have a short memory. Yeah he was a Hall of Fame player but his coaching skills leave much to be desired. He may be the worst coach to ever win a Super Bowl and that is saying a lot. There’s a reason that

This Is nothing new. Here’s Ditka In 2016 on Kaeperick:

Fuck Mike Ditka then, today, and fuck Mike Ditka tomorrow. And fuck that attitude of “this country who has given you the opportunity to make a living, playing a sport, you never thought would happen.”.

I mean, I’m a millennial jalop who likes crappy cars from the 70s and even I want this electric future. Late model ICE cars have become boring for me so I’m ready for something new. I’m ready for the instant power, the flat torque, the low maintenance, the interior space, the ability to go from efficiency to tire

But you’re not. If you’re only driving, say, 250 miles a week there’s no need to top off your gas tank everyday unless you’re expecting a hurricane the next day. You can do it on the weekend before you start the next work week.

Oh, he’ll go. He’ll rail about fake election results and cheating Dems, but it’ll give him the excuse he wants to quit and find a grift he likes better.

You tried to get away from it so hard that you clicked it, read at least some of it, and then commented on it.

this, a million times over. i don’t care how much biden stinks - i will be voting for him. shit, at this point i’d gladly welcome back another 4 years of gwb if it meant no more trump.

No excuses, vote, vote vote vote vote (against him and all his GOP enablers)

How is the Zoe different from the Leaf or the Bolt?  Seems like roughly the same price, range, and body style... ???

Happy birthday to Alfa Romeo. My garage salutes you.

Yeah right he was “blacklisted”. Has the poor sonofabitch worked a day since Charles in Charge? Methinks not. That said: I wouldn’t hire him for shit because FUCK trump and FUCK anyone that supports him. They can starve in the streets and I wouldn’t toss any of those asshole so much as a crumb.

It serves a purpose as a tool and sometimes tools break. If I have to swaddle my tool in layers of protection, it loses functionality or is something I would hesitate to use as frequently due to perception of risk

I keep my phone for 3-5 years. I’ve broken countless screen protectors, but my phone still looks like new.

“After a 12-hour drive, I opened our car door and: womp. My brand new iPhone in its “tough” case fell approximately three inches onto the asphalt.”

against all geological history