
In 1997 my dad went to work for a new company and was amazed that they had a terabyte of geological data.

“I don’t think it’s the government’s place to tell everybody to do that”

Let me fix this real quick...

It’s a good thing none of the kids will go home, get over it, and pass it on to the rest of the family, including at-risk individuals like Granny and Gramps.

Thanks, the approval of internet poster Riot Croissant is what I was shooting for!

Is there one that says it’s okay to have 4-0r-so every day?  

Read the room, health experts.

And that’s why I loved TLJ. Does it have issues? Yeah (what Star Wars movie doesn’t?), but it also made a conscious attempt to break the mold of the previous movies and show us more of the world the characters inhabit. And the revelation that Rey came out of nowhere and wasn’t related to anyone also helped to grow the

Why did Solo fail?

If Solo had been an eight-part miniseries, fans would’ve loved it.

even in countries like Taiwan and Hong Kong, but their respective governments haven’t simply given up on fixing the problem

I have a theory that if you polled these mask haters you’d find the vast majority also cut in on queues, never deposit money in honor boxes, change lanes into a space that doesn’t exist, let the store door close on you even though they see you coming, throw trash out the window of their car, piss on the toilet seat,

I’m not going to elevate the greys, so here’s the response. I’ve read the science. It’s pretty universally accepted that masks help. Even the “study” that most people post as “proof” that masks don’t work says in it’s own conclusions that masks are a reasonable precaution because the masked group didn’t wear them so

Can we please start using the refusal to wear a mask as the defining point as to why “personal responsibility” is a load of crap?

Go big or go home, I guess. Can’t imagine a scorched earth presidential campaign would be effective. But then again, in 2015, I didn’t think America could *possibly* be stupid enough to let Donald Trump become the Republican presidential nominee - much less actually win the election. So...who the hell knows?

but their respective governments haven’t simply given up on fixing the problem like the Trump regime apparently has.

After they grab all the stuff that they personally want. 

Based on Trump’s actions, I’m almost convinced that’s the case.

guess this is the part where they just burn everything down so that no one can have it.

If you can’t breathe while wearing a mask, you definitely shouldn’t go outside at all because you are high risk of dying from a variety of respiratory conditions.