
Only quibble with the Uncharted series is how he/they can mow down a damn near army of opponents and then banter like they’re cooking burgers on the back porch in summer time. I could never grok to them as feel-good every guys/gal characters. They’re completely remorseless killers. Fun games, but still.....

I’m no tax prof and IANAL, but as a lay man, shelving a finished film before realizing any losses in the market place does not seem alike a viable basis for claiming such on tax filings. Why should the US tax payer be giving WB ANYTHING for choosing to fund a film and not release it due to not wanting to pay marketing

Hell, they’ll do worse than that. There was a story here a (few?) years back where the person’s insurance provider paid for legal fees for the OTHER SIDE’s lawsuit against their own customer. If the other side won, the carrier would owe nothing to their client. As stated in the story, this wasn’t a one-off apparition

Had a co-worker who’s relations were in drug interdiction. She said they would cruise areas of I-95 looking for cars with the ‘squat’, suggesting drug muling. Profile the driver, then pull them over and take a look. Wonder if the fashion was making their lives more difficult.

“Mr Cruise, please come out of the closet”
- South Park (1997) - S09E12

Hearing that she breathes through her skin skeeves me out so much that her outfits don’t really make up for it. Gross. Yeah, fish gills and alveoli, that’s the stuff ...

Seems like the real story is that these two think that they, by virtue of their noteriety? name recognition? have the chops to reach an audience in an already hyper oversaturated podcast market place. Personally, I don’t see it. But I don’t travel in circles who follow celebrities lives either. -shrug-

Heck, a night out with the guys or even an above average date can land you north of $200 for one evening’s entertainment.

Any list of shoddy pilots that doesn’t include B-52 pilot Lt Col Arthur “Bud” Holland near the top is woefully incomplete. No old & bold pilots and all that......

Based on that picture, dude’s in either very good or very bad shape.  i can’t tell which.

>Family members have a different legal recourse than a complete stranger

Someone has never seen pictures of Beijing, or hell Paris, on a commonly bad day.

My uncle went to Yale with W. By his account, he was just another student (and his average GPA showed it). He also went to Harvard business school. You’ll never convince me TFG ever spent a day at Penn. 

I think that is in reference to potential Tesla buyers, not wealth fund managers. As seen by respondants in this thread, Musk’s antics are not endearing himself to potential Tesla buyers. I own two EVs and am not in the market. But even in my late night, beer in hand, window shopping to see what’s out there, Tesla

>blocking the jetway entrances
This never happened. Like today, only those boarding and departing got near the jetway entrance.
>security for all the rest of the airlines so I had to be screened again
Not an issue with non-ticketed people in the terminal
>who want to pay airport prices
If you’re going to be a mall in an

My exact thoughts and sentiments

I’d bet there are conditions. I got one of those mailings and decided to call. I was pretty much told ‘not interested’. He said that that they pay outside firms to blanket their owners-list with the mailings, they’re not really targetted. Two weeks later, I got the same mailing, from the same dealer, with the same

Dumb question, how would that sheild assets? I would guess that if she divorced before the charges were filed there’d be a case for her being kept out of it. But by filing for divorce AFTER the conviction and sentencing, and steadfastly standing by him during those processes, I’d think it would be fair game to claw

Wasn’t there a Jalop styory a year or so ago wherein a perfectly hot looking, modern, Corvett was totalled because of the issue you describe? I guess the point was yeah, you could maybe do something, but no one is going to warranty the work or insure the car afterwards. 

A) You’re ignoring intent, which is malicious in nature