
She’s not running for state-wide office. She’s running for suburban Richmond, which likely skews educated, not necessarily prudish, and purple if not outright blue. What the ‘hill folks’ have to say won’t matter.

What’s the thermal expansion characteristics of these metals? I’d suspect a cold weather front could push the panels out of tolerance at those levels of precision.

I dunno, these photos seem to portray these folks as human rather than the idealized -insert whatever here- when they are in full “on” mode.

When Australia banned guns, they did NOT see an uptick in other methods of murder or suicide to take their place. Turns out, use of guns and their deadly results are often an impulsive, and often non-reversible, action. So your conclusion that, sans fire arm, he would have killed his wife by other means is a baseless

Do they need an excuse? They’re private entities. If the market will bear the current price, why would they change them?

This, 1000x this. And I would say thatfinancially possible” is more of an excuse to vascillate than a hard requirement. I had a married friend in grad school; he and his wife decided to have a kid. His response was that “it’s never the right time, so we just decided to get on with it.” He was right. If you wait

The word you’re looking for is “figuratively”. 

That little hand-dance that they do with her tongue out to the side is about the cringiest thing I think that I have ever seen.

One, maybe two. But no way a ‘woke’ team will ever win THREE back to back World Cups!

So it’s OK to kill a woman for not doing what ‘the man’ says? Sorry, he’s a much better fit for your side of the aisle.

What kind of masochist finds entertainment in listening to B-listers spout of nonsense?  Aren’t podcasts wupposed to be pleasant diversions from reality while out walking or on the lawnmower? Who needs rage fuel directly injected into the cerebellum?

Tropic Thunder

Yep.  Let banks get the first crack at young professionals earning potential. Hard asset producers will have to wait.

Good for you?

Listening to my 18-yr old daughter chat with her friends, I’d say Oppenheimer. At least with the younger set. My zoomer kids never even mentioned Barbie growing up, that was more of a Gen-X / Boomer thing. If it does well, it’s probably because it’s more of a good summer movie with popular stars than its tie-in with

V-12 with a manual. Coming to a Cars and Coffee near you to out Mustang the Mustang.

Her memoirs are a very interesting read. It’s one of those “Yeah, that’s awful that happened to her and... OMG, she had to deal with <some hideous other thing> too! At least it can’t get anyworse...<it gets worse>, OK, f-it, I’m done.” And she’s a pretty sympathetic character through it all. It’s not like she’s out on

Check your state. FWIW, my state covered 50% of the home charging station.

I guess what surprises me is the ease with which folks use text messaging to discuss personal issues. That same device has a phone, right? Maybe use that for sensitive matters?

Well, you do have to actually download an app. One which is otherwise not published or pushed in your IG feed. So it’s not like we’re talking errant clicks here.