
Once again, I am saddened for a whole generation of women and young girls that have to undergo ridicule and teasing, simply because their name is “Karen” and we as a society can’t seem to help ourselves and indulge in using group-think snark as pejorative labels.

If it weren’t for Philly, Pittsburgh, and Harrisburg, PA would be Alabama. That they don’t have fleshed out operating charging stations at all the plazas along the PA turnpike is absurd.

We were looking for a charging station in a sort of sketchy neighborhood. We found one with three chargers, two Teslas were at two as we struggled with the third. The guy in one Tesla was some big dude that didn’t move and the other Tesla was blacked out. I kept noticing that these girls would show up, hop in the

It’s not even soley about GPA.  A 3.2 who did a lot of activities and got involved would be selected over a 3.5 who sat in their basement shit-posting all day.  If they’re not selected for a seat, maybe, just maybe, they’re not the hot shit that they think they are.


I don’t know about that. You have to also factor in ‘rose colored’ memories and where your head/heart was at the time. I’d argue Wall-E was only successful because of its animation/premise. Once off planet, the story was an unbelievable, depressing, bore even if technically impressive in execution. That is, “cultural

I don’t know about that. What was their last US Tour? 2019? I was sitting at home and saw they were playing Hershey Park that night (no small venue). So I drove on over, copped a ticket, and had a pretty good time on the floor with a packed house. It wasn’t high art, but it was an entertaining, loud spectacle. Which

IANAL, but I would think any such bill that has specific set asides to certain manufactures and not others could be challenged in Federal court for violating any number of commerce laws designed to keep just such things from happening.

So, the NRA is a defacto milicia operating independently at the behest of the GQP. That’s interesting. I wonder how that affects their tax status and if they have to register as a foreign agent for lobbying and other financial purposes.

Define “interact”. Not that I am a GQP fan by any stretch, but maybe if more men learned to always keep the door open and never go with female interns (or male if the rolls are reversed) to a happy hour, no matter how platonic, they might avoid a lot of self inficted strife and being the butt of office gossip. It

I paid MSRP on the ID.4 I ordered from the VW site. No muss, no fuss. The other dealers in the area also said there was no ADM for order delivery. Now, had I turned the car down, I don’t know what the second person in line would have paid.
Here’s a suggestion: List the dealers who do NOT charge ADMs on the VW website

We’re taking it back!”


Never hurts to be gracious and helpful, at an industry function that you’re attending, to help others also in your industry who are just out doing their jobs. ‘You’re’ in the damn business. So what if the questions are puerile, improvise as the pro you’re supposed to be and help her get a good bit of video; smile, be

I agree. I don’t care one way or the other what folks do with their time. I will say, the idea that this somehow supports sustainability in clothing is laughable. Impacts of ‘Thrifters’ aren’t even a rounding error on the worldwide textile and clothing industry. They should do it because it’s fun and they like the

In many industries, increased yields are a bad things that can drive prices down, lead to over stock, and and cut-throat price ‘wars’. Doesn’t the maple syrup cartel (no joke) have pretty strict controls on what can be produced and what goes into the vault to maintain inventories at managed levels?

Senior level talent and entry level workers are not colleagues and are barely co-workers. The power dynamic let alone worries about crashing an emerging career makes any personal relationship bad news for anyone, or any company, involved.

Eh, isn’t that the same for any hobby? We all know Ford, Chevy, Porsche, Ferrari, Corvette, Home Brew, D&D guys/gals by their trinkets and merch.

Well HD did say that they will be all electric someday. And they are working more efficient water cooled engines into their line up. The new water cooled Sportster is pretty amazing and the Pan America has been really well received. So it’s not like they are sitting still and pumping out only Softails to make their

Awesome. We got the cut-and-paste tripe that gets posted in any Harley thread, from what people heard second, or simply made up, and never actually stepped into a dealership themselves, out of the way right up front.

I swear, it’s like the slow clap. Everyone has it chambered and is looking to be the one to unload it.