
I don’t think any organization is going to ‘stone soup*’ a mapping platform and compete with anyone except the biggest cheapskates in the world. Consistency and standards from capture to publication is what makes a compelling product in this space not -> *data across the globe from multiple different data sources.

Getting that Ferdinand Marcos in his latter days vibe. Or well, pretty much any despot in control of a country. Take your pick.

Cites facts not in evidence. Do you for a fact know that is why he was providing the tracking information for money? Elon approached HIM with a business deal and offered $5,000. The kid countered a hideously small amount, even willing to take an internship, and ELON turned down the counter offer. So for pocket change,

There is no logic in this.  This has SLAPP plastered all over it.  Elon is just trying to use his money and lawyers to bully others.

Don’t know what the OP was going for, but I took it as, failing to act, even when it’s ‘none of my business’ can still get you lumped in with dirt bags. To what degree depends on the circumstances. Sort of like, when everybody in your circle of friends knows your boyfriend is cheating on you, but no one let you know

They patched them. PC games at least. I don’t recall any buggy Atari or NES games. And if you registered the game, you would often have patch disks mailed to you unannounced and, shudder, you could call the number in the manual to speak to a live human being. 

Considering the amount of modeling and system simulation that goes into creating study level addons for MSFS, e.g. most anything PMDG puts out, I’m surprised that they do not cost MORE. <shrug>.

 And Superman. ENDLESS, Endless, endless reboots of Superman.

Come on, the point is the implied snark regarding bad editing by the OP is not warranted as the issue lies with the OP’s system setup, not the article. It’s not that hard to grasp.

It’s not just make, but packaging. For the longest while, the best ketchup came from ketchup packets from McDonalds (whomever made them I do not recall). The stuff out of the pump just wasn’t as good. Store bought Hunts was the closest to the packets. Now I buy generic or store bought if Hunts is not there, mostly

“I’ve sat through every filthy, disgusting, perverted inch of this video. Twice.”

So really dumb question, were these actors just used when the masks were off? And then when the action scenes started and masks went on, they used fighters/acrobat stand ins? In those Youtube stills posted, are those the actor or a stand in?  Just curious how the show was run.

My gout was at level ‘just take my foot off already’. I was in the parking lot and saw the cart rolling downhill towards some nice looking cars. I looked up hill and saw this old lady with an ‘oh shit’ look on her face. I covered that 10 yards cursing the entire way and intercepted that cart before it could do it’s

Heh, regarding number of items in the quick checkout line ..... on more than one occasion, I’ve had a store employee, and other shoppers, tell me it’s OK to use the quick line when there’s no one there and I’m well over the limit. I don’t. Because I know as soon as I get started, some one will roll up with three items

I was changing the fuel pump and fuel hose on my 944 a few months back. Just filled the bloody tank up. That old fuel hose was so decrepit, try as I might, I could not stop fuel from coming out. Even with the battery disconnected, it was the most unnerving work I’ve ever done with that gasoline and vapor being all

Then get ready for more. It has been pretty thoroughly shown that access to abortion is a key reason crime rates declined since the 90s; less unwelcome kids being born into abject poverty growing up to be criminals. Thanks to the quacks, we get to look forward to reversing that trend. WTG!

First question - Who thought this sort of low altitude, crowded airspace, frenetic, multiple plane  demonstration was worth the risk to pilots, spectators, and folks living in the area and who’s going to jail in the event of a tragic incident? After that, your other questions can get the ball rolling.
Disclaimer: I

>I still 100% agree that pilot error is the root cause

Don’t supercars also have time gated maintenance as well as mileage based maintenance as well as potential repair costs? I recall a pod cast where they spoke to an owner of (some car I can’t remember) and it was 10,000s of thousands of dollars each year in maintenance just to have it parked in your driveway.

Were I a billionaire, I would think I could better than Tiffany Trump. That’s serious F-you money just to sign on with that three-ring circus of a family. Be it Pamela Anderson, Jessica Simpson, or whomever, that straight, blond, parted down the middle with too much makeup is also just not appealing IMHO. She should