
>They only wanted to appeal to the “hardcore” biker. Well, they can

It seems that no HD dealer lists prices on used inventory. Don’t know why, but it seems to be a company thing. New bike prices are on the HD web site. That’s where they start, what the dealer can ask, and what anyone should consider as ‘the price’ when they sit down to see if they can afford one. They are also tagged

What’s their name and location?

>Not to mention, most Harley riders can be pretentious and

Except they are not. You want the price of an HD? Go to their web site. It is right there, MSRP for all the various models and options. That is what the dealers sell them for. Maybe the dealer will come down a little, but there’s your starting point. Also, put near every dealer that I have been in (and I have been

Quick question ... those folks processing the images, are they incorporating other data sets (IR, UV, X-ray, etc) to reduce these images? Or are they more just applying PS filters to increase contrast, sharpen, and colorize? Whereas the latter makes for cool images, the former might actually aid in understanding the

How does that happen? Target fixation. The human eyes and brains are not a fool-proof system. Live/fly/drive long enough and it can happen to anybody. I’d imagine anyone here can think of a time when they were looking at something and it was blatantly wrong, but their mind was in such a place that even the ‘flashing

1st Gear: Dieselgate Didn’t Just Affect Volkswagen

Considering Volvo Car Corporation is now owned by Geely, and leases the Volvo name for branding from the Volvo Group (trucks, marine, etc) ... wouldn’t that be “Crazy Chinese”? I get that the business culture is probably Swedish/European. But that kind of shift would have to be green lit from the very top, wouldn’t

Gosh, I hate to be “that guy” But for all that is right in the world, please do not drive an Italian Wedge to your shift at the hospital or clinic. Get a car, enjoy it, take it to shows, whatever. Just don’t show up to your hospital rounds in it. That’s just asking for headaches of all kinds, IMHO.

I’m going to agree with KL/r on this one and my experience is with VWs, Mazada (wife’s) and Harley Davidson. The delays I observed seemed to be the volume of paper work needed and the changing trend that has several floor attendants (who can’t do much more than show you the car and take you on a test ride) that then

It was not clear and many thanks for that explanation! Now, what becomes of the payload? Micro meteroids of Pu? If so, way ouch!

Don’t let the midwest motor-heads hog all the notoriety! The infield at the Preakness Stakes in Baltimore will give anybody a run for the crown of “AA’s Waiting Room”. At least they did until a few years when a new member decided to go out onto the track. I think they tried to control it since then, not that it had

Re: A View to A Kill. While watching the final battle with my son, who was then around 9...”Dad, why do they have a fire axe in a blimp?” Batshit crazy indeed.

As a big Bond fan, it was because of these occasional binges that I have avoided adding any Bond movies to my collection. I just enjoy the once in a while Bond fest and think that having constant access to the movies would sort of diminish the event (even if the event is me just looking over my computer screen while

100% agree. I have a brother in law who was lamenting a friend who died on a bike. The story he related to me “we were doing about 110 mph down the right hand lane when some guy changed lanes into us....”. Yeah, no shit. Some how, the driver is not who I would consider to be at fault. However, that is a far cry from

Yeah, no kidding, I hear you. I chased a guy who ran a red light down to see what was up (he saw me and did not want the conversation). Still, it is not our job to do so and we need to swallow our pride and move on. As much as it sucks, like in admiralty law, our job is to do everything that we can to avoid an

Why on earth were the riders being “dicks”? It’s driving. People do much more egregious stuff all_the_time. A quicker bike trying to scoot past is being a “dick”? Maybe unsafe to themselves, I wouldn’t ride that way. But a “dick”? The dicks in the world wouldn’t simply slide over a little to try to help them along

Wut the hell are you talking about? Sure, there are gray areas where we can talk (e.g. Lane splitting in states where it is not legal and getting wiped out). But this case where a driver uses his car as a freaking weapon? Screw you and the bike you didn’t ride in on,

“When anyone can reach a gigantic audience without the need of seed capital and millions in advertising”