
“Most”? I thought the general rule was to use the octane specifically called out in your manual and anything above that was pissing money away? Now most engines have variable compression, spark advance, and-or octane measuring capabilities? [honest question, this assertion is news to me]

As a longtime HD rider, who is pretty much the antithesis of what many think of when they think of HD rider, I can agree with this. I collect shirts when I travel just as sort of a thing to do. I get Golf-R stuff for the same reason; just keepsakes to wear when out with the vehicle. HD is pretty damn good at selling

Surprising lack of torque wrenches. Did they build everything by feel? Or is there a built in ‘slip’ in the tools that they are using? (or are the final torque downs not shown?).

Only problem is any time that any president has tried to cut military spending, they are tagged with weak on defense. Some how, given that side of the aisle, I doubt that any savings by reducing a role in NATO will come back as a peace dividend. More than likely it will be plowed into new arms (I think trump spoke

So, you are potentially going to deny yourself some seriously awesome vehicles (Porsche/Audi, and I love my Golf-R) because some jabroni on the internet tried to get cute-sy with VAG by stripping his car down the before drop off for some LOLZ and internet fame? Really? If so, your face never really liked your nose

Sure, you could do that and even likely “win.” But all you get is a judgement. It is up to you to collect, and that is not always as easy as you’d think. It’s not like the judge/court/state doesn’t let the guy leave until he settles up. That’s on you or whoever is willing to buy your judgement for a fraction of

Not my wife and I. We love our TDIs and are not really happy to have to turn them in. BUT, turn them in we will and feel well compensated. I’m already in a new VW and the buy out will let my wife get in a used car she really likes free and clear with money left over. Strip it? Hell, I’m that nut that is thinking

And a more compliant ride for when you aren’t putting your foot into it.*

We’ll need some pics so that we can calibrate that unit of measurement to our individual needs ....

And (depending on where you are) super high powered boats.

Someone on VW Vortex checked with VW credit. Apparently, you can delay a payment for $5. You can do this three times. So, if needed, a person with VW credit could push their next payment back to March and hope that everything gets sorted by then. No real downside, except for the charge and deferred interest, which

I lived in one of those small towns, complete with an empty main street. However, it wasn’t due to Bush(es) or Clinton(s) or Obama. It was the large strip mall with a national box store anchor and national food chains that drove all the mom and pops out of business and sent the profits out of state. I’ll give Trump

My wife and I were probably the target demographic for this car at the time; young professionals that were moving towards that market. I recall the local Jag dealer rented space in the Annapolis mall specifically to get the word out to those who may never think to set foot in a Jag dealership just because they

Why even invoke turbos? 4 bbl carbs, anyone?

Question: If she “She HAAAATES it”, then why wait for thing to be paid off? If you have the ability to wait it out for a good deal where you don’t lose your shirt on a trade in allowance, why not start looking yesterday so you have a chance of finding that dealer that just has to move a unit to make his/her numbers?

I am really surprised that VW wasn’t doing something like this all along. Either at the Corporate or dealer level. I’ve been at the dealer multiple times for service or what-have-you and inquired about what kind of special deal they might be willing to entice me with to get me out of my TDI even before the final

Ah Twitter, another soon to be citizen in the land of “Well That Didn’t Go Like We Thought.” Wasn’t it the original Twitter developers that met with Zuckerberg and threw out an outrageously high price tag (basically a what the hell do we care poison pill, IMO) when FB was looking to buy them? Wouldn’t they like to

Huh. Never really thought of Mr. Burns, Moe, et al. as supporting characters. Comic Book Guy or Willie, perhaps. But those other guys are in put near every episode as primary actors. -shrug-

I think Apple missed the boat on this. People are focusing on the lack of a head phone port and Blue Tooth. There is next to _NO_ talk on the new wireless music standard/hardware that is taking place of the 3.5 mm in the iP7. Apple should have gotten up there (maybe they did, I didn’t watch) and explained why Blue

That’s the standard of care. I don’t know if a Brita or your refrigerator units will provide the necessary contact time to be effective. But for houses or water plants with this stuff detected, that his how they are remedied (with GAC units).