
If people were using C instead of lesser languages like Java, Ruby, PHP, and .Net, I think he would be remembered like Steve.

Also he was old. And didn't seem to die before his time.

I want to know more about Steve.

Siri phones come out tomorrow. Then you can ask.

You beat me to it. I was going to say now the jealous Apple haters can have a name and face to shit on.

One person having iCloud does not stop a person from having a GMail account. You can still send mail to each other using open standards. Unless you are just saying that it's unfair that iCloud isn't free. It's also not advertisement driven. I'm the customer, not the product.

And Apple had .Mac and XGrid. So what. You are talking about mainframe computing or keeping stuff in a Google account. RTFA again. iCloud makes things transparent.

I agree. Right now it's just for people who pay for Apple's products.

Why should Apple open up its stable? They did the work. Their customers paid for it.

It's great for everyone because it's going to be copied and then everyone will have it. We just have to wait for Microsoft and Google to use it for awhile first.

Go Department of War!!! Keep wasting my tax money on incompetence and imperialism.

You are right about the PowerPC.

Hey man... the Jobs does not abide.

The UK and then the US will have a new lifestyle where everyone's been to jail at least once. As politicians cut earned benefits for normal people, Welfare Queens like the military, Heimland Security, War on Citizens, and private prison system will grow, and grow.

Stallman is like a puritanical religious nut. "Though shalt not have fun with closed source software."

They don't.

Your comment reminds me of how every gadget tried to have a candy look in the early Bush years.