My husband and I took a page from his own playbook and refuse to learn his name. We just call him "asshole."
My husband and I took a page from his own playbook and refuse to learn his name. We just call him "asshole."
Survivor Kaoh Rong: Ew.
I was on there as a photographer for about a year because it's a great way to collaborate with others just starting out. The powers-that-be made you submit four photos or so (either those you took, modeled for, created the clothes for, or did makeup for) and then supposedly had to "approve" you before you could be…
For some reason, I find Nick's narcissism to be utterly delightful.
I can't say enough about Tai. He's awesome. I'm dying to know where they found him. Was he a recruit or did he apply?
I quite enjoyed Paula, so of course she's dead almost as soon as we meet her.
Peter is an ER doctor. I'm assuming he couldn't help Cydney or Caleb due to liability issues?
It feels like he must have when the Governor assaulted the prison. Wasn't he in the guard tower firing fairly indiscriminately?
Had Glenn never really killed anyone before tonight? I shall to the experts here.
I get what you're saying, but it's not different than us talking about what Scot did outside the show as an NBA player. It's something she did, it's known, and it's interesting to see how knowing that about her colors everything she said, especially about the water at camp. She could have actually killed people with…
Man, that immunity challenge was INTENSE at the end. I want to root for Debbie because she's delightfully strange, but after reading about her federal indictment for tampering with water safety, I find her repulsive.
Yes, I remember this as well. They basically take those huge water cooler bottles and dump them into the well they have at camp.
Jenny pulled a real Drew Christie at Tribal.
I told my husband that it was like being forced to watch my parents make out.
Every commercial for this show is almost aggressively, intentionally unfunny.
Happy New Year to everyone here! Especially those, like me, who had to come into work today for some unfathomable reason. There are like 10 people here, and none of us are doing anything. *shakes fist at sky*
Although I would never rely on Keith to pull of any kind of deception, I assume the idea was for him to pull it out during TC, say something along the lines of "Hey, lookie here. I have an idol. Feel free to throw away your vote if you'd like," thereby influencing someone like Jeremy to vote out Spencer. I don't know…
I was imagining him pulling out semaphore flags.
….and Spencer's heart grew three sizes that day!
When Keith put his hands to his mouth during Tribal, I was convinced he was about to spill the beans as to his vote. He makes me so nervous when he speaks at Tribal.