I dated a huge Rush fan once and saw them live twice. The only shows I've ever been to where the line for the men's room was longer than the one for the ladies room.
I dated a huge Rush fan once and saw them live twice. The only shows I've ever been to where the line for the men's room was longer than the one for the ladies room.
I know everyone sighs over Joe, but DAMN, Jeremy all oiled up was something to behold. You've got to respect those abs.
I'm don't think it ever grew back, which was HORRIBLE!!
You know, I've never played The Colonel's Bequest all the way through, despite the fact that The Dagger of Aman Ra is one of my all-time favorite Sierra games. I do have it in the docket to play through, though. I wish I could leave work RIGHT NOW to go home and play!!
I love you so much for this post. I've been replaying all of my favorites lately on GOG and I'm just swimming in fond nostalgia, especially for Quest for Glory 1. To be 13 again….!
I'll never forget pulling the Mandrake Root out of the ground in Quest for Glory 1, not realizing that once you've done that, the game is literally impossible to finish. Save, save, save.
Agreed. I don't know if I'm going to watch this. It felt nicely wrapped up at the end. Yeah, the detective tells the mom that her kids are lying, but I liked having that thread dangling. I just can't imagine what else they could possibly wring out of these characters.
I can see how you would feel that way; my husband HATED it. I guess I could just kind of go with the flow and accept it on its own merits.
I'm pretty fond of Scream 4. It had some decent scares and meta commentary on fame, and let's face it, most anything would have been an improvement over Scream 3, my pick for the weakest in the series. (Apart from the new TV series, of course. It's trying so hard, and I'm in it for the rest of the season, but it has…
Ah, thanks. I'm still mad at everyone, though!
I'm sure others have already said it since I'm nearly 900 comments late to the party, but fuck these people. No love for Hannibal AGAIN?
Great. Now I'm listening to this on my iPod at work for the first time at ages, furiously dancing in my seat as much as possible (I'd forgotten how fucking AWESOME "If" is), and freaking out everyone who walks by. No one will ever believe I'm working NOW.
I love the way the museum exhibit cases are a direct reflection of the inside of the psychiatric hospital with its interview cages. The attention to detail always astounds me!!
I broke my arm last weekend and even that didn't hurt as much as watching those Mason Verger surgery scenes. Gah.
I am gutted. No pun intended?? No, really. This breaks my heart. Honestly, this hurts like nothing else has, As far as TV goes.
YES. I totally noticed the stag branches. So incredibly creepy and well done.
I know I'm late to the party, but this was the first CD I ever bought as well. I had been listening to mostly innocuous pop music up until then, but for some reason I turned into our local alt radio station, and when I heard "Sick of Myself," my entire musical tastes changed in an instant. I will always, always love…
OJ was acquitted on my 16th birthday. Ah, the memories….