
Inside every old man is a young man wondering what happened.

I wanted one of these as a teenager and this morning I feel like a teen again.

If a white person’s legacy is, “She sang about the importance of darkies and dead black baby heaven, but she was nice to a couple of Black people once", let’s just assume she said nigger half as much as she thought it. 

Or y’all could do one better and get rid of the gross nationalist exceptionalist singing of “God Bless America” at sports altogether.

I’ll just be over here holding my breath.

Grey Worm might as well have announced he was retiring and had just bought a boat.

When we got to restaurant, and I had my steak knife, I’d stand my ground. I’D STAND IT SO HARD.

Take some pictures of them and send them to with the subject “Weekend Wallpaper” 

Asking about the difference in approaching newsworthy events is now entitlement? Geez, identity politics is helluva drug.


Or if he just stayed in his fucking car...

I don’t want him to die alone. I want to be there watching. 

Take the MSF course. You spend a few hours learning in a classroom. Then two days of doing exercises in a parking lot. They provide a bike. After you finish you get a waiver to take to the DMV to get your M2. Was $200 when I took it. Only requirement is to have boots that cover your ankles and a long sleeve shirt of

Press person for public officials here! I’ve had SHH’s job description in a variety of capacities.

*Nissan gives 100,000 Euros*

They will meet monthly.

They’re still going to cost, what, $30k? For a bed that I can’t even put a hockey stick in and less actual utility than a crossover (I can’t believe I just wrote that)? What’s the fucking point?

So yeah, they’ll probably sell like crazy.

Kill me now.

Indeed. That show had an excellent sense of matching cars with characters, and Mike’s practically had Jedi skills: “These are not the drug kingpins we’re looking for. Move along.”

Here... What everyone actually came for, the side by side.

I prefer the GM Performance version they made. RWD and 665 HP.