
The characterization of Jimmy when juxtaposed against who he becomes in Breaking Bad provides a really interesting dynamic that BB didn't have because you never really knew who Walt would eventually become.

Likely not.

Can't wait to tell my date that a winged potato recommended low expectations for Unfriended.



It's strange to say, but Ligotti has somehow influenced my own fundamental optimism that I try to hold on to. Hard to explain how he did that, but he has also sparked revival in other philosophers for me. Specifically some of the ones he mentioned in CATHU, like Nietzsche and Camus.

Better comparison; a modern day Gunsmoke with some of the best dialogue I have ever witnessed.

Oh, believe me. If I didn't have a date and I couldn't see it for free, this would definitely be a late-night Netflix guilty pleasure viewing.

It has Paddy Considine and Andrew Garfield in it. Case for watching it made.

Justified is probably the Wiseguys of this generation. A lot of people love it now, but it's probably gonna be forgotten because history likes to only remember milestones instead of just a good show with good actors and good writing. I have yet to see any of season six, but I am just as sad and nostalgic to see it

I was actually referring to the three part television adaptation. Completely blipped out that there was a book series.

I checked out the entire Red Riding Trilogy from the local library. Plan on getting around to that when I'm not busy. So probably never.

The level of snark in this article was of such a putrid snarky level that my eyes started to water…

I already did, and forgot that I watched it. It is also a favorite of mine.

Upvoted for upvoting for Lone Star.

That scene in the restaurant IS one of the steamiest and sexiest scenes I have ever seen, and most of that just comes from the sheer forbidden emotions that the two share for each other.

I dunno. I really enjoy Small Potatoes. Even if it is a little insensitive about sexual assault.

Been binging on classic X Files episodes, which include: Never Again, Small Potatoes, Pusher, Home, Jose Chung From Outer Space, Bad Blood.

That goes back to when I said that some of it required certain junctures to come to pass. Walt did feel obligated to Jesse, but he used the disintegration of his partnership with Gus to begin his own campaign for the boss man position, beginning with when he took charge of his own life at gun point from Mike and

Yes, but Walter became a murderer because of his own justifications of his actions. The only reason he felt that he needed to poison Brock was because he felt an angle could be exploited, and by that end, help him to win the Chess game shared between him and Gus Fringe. And the only reason the game was there to begin