
I'm starting to put a connection together. I wonder if Mike's loss of Matt any way influenced his leaning in towards Jesse once he saw that he was a junkie with a good heart. Much like his son.

Vic Mackey ain't hard enough to even lick Mike's taint.

It was half-empty, obviously.

At the most, Mike had a little buzz. Which was good for him because it probably made him more perceptive and on edge.

He definitely drank a little, but no drunk reaches for the pistol in the seat that fast and aims that carefully.

Mike screaming that his son was a good man had my eyes wet from allergies, and the later scenes with him talking to his son's wife didn't help at all.

Ahhhh, the universal struggles of modern day life.

At my young age, the only advice that I can provide is to just stop dreaming and just fucking do it, and that isn't the wet blunt I just rolled talking.

T'would totally talk shit about that movie and M. Night Blompkamp with you if I was at that bar.

Coming from a lower-middle class family, I never really expected to make it to college, and now that I'm there, I'm just not sure I'm getting the full experience that I am partially paying for. I don't want to look back years from, enamored with debt, and say, "why the fuck did I do that?"

NO. You have either made or broken my life. YOU SHALL POSSIBLY SUFFER DA' CONSEQUENCES.

You just helped me understand a part of my life I had never even considered. Gracias.


I've been thinking on settling some debts and then just traveling. College just feels too overrated.

Emphasis on legitimate.

I'm noticing a reoccurring trend; instead of just discussing pop culture, people share bits of their lives. While my life isn't quite as interesting as some of the fine people who also enjoy this website, I have been dreaming about working for a boat fishing company in Alaska. As in actual dreams, not this is

I read this in Aziz Ansari's voice from his character in Parks and Rec. Made it so much funnier.

I think you mean Under The Skin.

That counter point though..

His past wouldn't change my opinion of him. Nobody changes that much, and I'm sure there was always a little bit of the shepherd in Book, even when there wasn't a Shepherd Book.