@Jason Cohen: I agree that you should be able to pause the game, but the inventory and options should stay real-time. It makes more sense that way, at least in my opinion.
@Jason Cohen: I agree that you should be able to pause the game, but the inventory and options should stay real-time. It makes more sense that way, at least in my opinion.
@Kobun: It has more players. Not to bash anyone that plays on the 360, or generalize the demographic, but most of the younger players play on 360. CoD seems to be incredibly fun to them (as do most multiplayer FPS games), but why the 360? Not a clue.
@WhoKnew?: The only reason it's not a contender for my GOTY was because it's more of the same. Throwing some new guns and maps into the same damn game for $60 doesn't win you anything. If it hadn't come out, I'm sure everyone would still be playing MW2, and calling it the best.
Heh, the director's name is Webb.
@Antiterra: Dead Space 2, MvC3, Bulletstorm, Dragon Age II, Crysis 2, L.A. Noire, Brink, and Portal 2 all come out within the first 4 months of this year as well. Those are big, me thinks.
I had a friend go as a Hunter for Halloween last year. His costume wasn't great, but his terrifying screams made it awesome.
@virgil.ierubino: It used to be. It seems like so long ago...
@rainofwalrus: For people with money to spend, sure. But for people who have never played PC games because of the high cost? It'll bring more people back to the PC, and in turn, more big games.
@matthieu.lestrat: If CoD becomes pay-to-play, it won't be on Xbox.
@jShazbot2: I personally dislike the recent entries in the series. While the Halo series was (and still is, Reach is pretty good) great, the focus has shifted to online multiplayer, something I think that no game should ever do. The same goes for CoD (with a similar exception, Black Ops has a good story IMO).
@Brian Crecente: Will do, good sir.
I have a Droid 1. When Gingerbread comes out, I assume I'll be able to get it, but can I PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get the black motif on it? I absolutely despise the white notification bar. If there's something I can do to make it look just like the first picture (with the keyboard), I will do it.
I'm currently building a pen and paper system for Borderlands. It's more challenging than you think, especially since there aren't too many skills on the tree in the game itself, gonna have to think some up. The combat is actually the easy part.
@Chromium: And that's okay, because it had a really nice design.
@Nexus6: Not too many games are PC exclusive anymore, especially shooters. It's really sad, IMO.
@MichaelPalin: I couldn't agree more. While there really aren't that many FPS games released, they seem to overshadow many other big-name releases, and are better advertised/seem to be more popular in general.
@brandoshido: I still have mine, lol. I really wish I had enough money to get one, but I'd rather buy the games themselves then something unnecessary to play them on. If the next gen goes HDMI only, I'll cave and buy one. But they're so expensive...
@cassiebearRAWR: On an existing family plan, the price goes up on each phone, from a penny to $50 for the HTC, $100 for the X, $70 for the Droid 2, and $150 for the Pro.
@Odin: That may be the very reason we haven't heard anything about it. If Squeenix wants it multiplat, and Disney doesn't (which doesn't make too much sense, considering the greed Disney has always had), then we could have a problem.
@ThisLife17: Exactly why I put that note at the very top, in hopes that it would be seen. So far, not working.