
Terrible idea what if all she does is game. I'd rather have a girl that cooks, clean, and is a freak in the bed.

Better idea: twenty cents goes to the MBTA for expansion and overhaul funds, and five cents to the state for other transportation projects.

The weaker stuff this summer were movies rushed through production to meet release dates, made artlessly, with no passion, basing creative decisions around trends and test audiences (*cough* Suicide Squad *cough*).

You and I come from different schools, sir.

the euphoric one beer buzz is the best.

If they’re an uber beer snob they’ll tell you “sours”. At least the one’s i know do.

Listen, I’m just glad you overcame your stroke and can use a keyboard again. I’m sure your tastebuds will come back eventually.

Quickly-cooking chicken breasts and pork chops are great for weeknight meals — except when they turn out as dry and flavorless as shoe leather. Brining has become my saving grace! It’s a way of ensuring juiciness and adding flavor, and unlike turkey and corned beef that need to soak for days, these thin cuts will

Why, you ask, would I seek to spoil an experience brining so much joy to millions?

I was totally obsessed with this movie as a kid. To the point where I am afraid if I watch it again, it will kill the magic.

They need me again?

One of Disney’s most underrated films, The Rocketeer, is finally getting the respect it deserves.

This is a huge free agent signing, I can’t wait to read Zach Lowe’s analysis.

Probably about 60% of NBA conversations between me and my friend.

1) Joke about WNBA being unpopular
2) Joke about how there are so many ESPNs
3) Joke is an overused reference to a movie from more than five years ago

Congrats, you are now a drive-time sports radio host. Please pick up your bottle of spray tanner and wrap-around sunglasses at the front desk.

It’s understandable that Cousins would be a little crusty when asked about Papagiannis, but on the bright side he’s only a couple of years away from making some big cheese in free agency.

This is such a cop-out. He is clearly just doing this to avoid getting punched in the balls by Draymond in next year’s playoffs.

Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad.

Slow. fucking. clap.

I was frustrated to the point of tears by the local and national media's shameful, abhorrent coverage of the death of Sean Taylor, especially in the immediate aftermath, when Taylor was presented to the public as an agent of his own demise, apparently by virtue of the fact that he was a young black man who went to the