
Good. That’s the market they’re trying to escape.

I don’t see how anyone can hate Rex Ryan, unless you’re a fan of one of the teams he’s coached. He’s passionate about the game, loves his players, and comes off as humble. Yeah, he may not be known as a successful coach, but his ability to relate to the common man is unmatched in this league. He understands that

What a sad individual you must be that you hate that people are allowed buy a service with money they earned. I pity you.

Nice but where is the hatchback version?

You and I both own Aston Martins, I would say we are fortunate but not affording an Aston is in no way getting shafted. I would say majority of Americans live in excess as well.

Don’t know too many fiscal conservatives who live at home with parents so they can buy a $40k Aston Martin.

Is the next four years going to be nothing but constant Trump -bashing on Jalopnik?

How they are not calling this a hate crime I have no idea... imagine the roles being reversed and it was a black man having this done to him by a bunch of white shit heads... it would immediately be called a hate crime. Replace “fuck trump” with “fuck obama” and “fuck white people” with “fuck black people”. This is

Here is an honest question. Can someone explain to me why Chicago, you know, the home of our President, is such a shit hole?

Here is where 81% of the Federal 2015 budget went:

The transverse FWD z4 is too distracting, make it stop!!!

Maybe if the democrats fought fervently for unions the way they fought for transgender bathroom rights we wouldn’t be in this shitty conundrum.

So what? If the Unions brought value they would be getting higher membership dues. I pay my gym dues because I see value in the membership. I pay my kids pool dues because I see value in having access to water in the heat. I pay my healthcare costs because it brings me value.

boneless, skinless thighs (or breasts)

None of these are tacos though

You know... This makes me want to start laser cutting some acrylic tow hooks, then edge lighting them. As long as they’re pointless, let’s make them even more obnoxious, because they’ll sell.

Clinton was seen as Wall St’s candidate. Politico had several articles on it where Wall St bankers specifically said that she wouldn’t regulate them. When Wells Fargo’s scandal broke, Warren ripped them to shreds while Clinton remained silent, even though her campaign webpage said she favored prosecution of bankers

Gee, the one unifying theme in all these was a dislike and mistrust of Hillary. Something much of the left agrees with. Someone remind me why the DNC pretty much anointed her as the nominee again?

I mean, Ford’s CEO himself said that part of their decision is based on a vote of confidence for Trump’s vision.