
So, this will probably go down to the lawyers.

2.8 “Eligible Vehicle” means any 2.0 Liter Subject Vehicle that is: (1) listed in the table immediately below this Paragraph; (2) registered with a state Department of Motor Vehicles or equivalent agency or held by a dealer not affiliated with Settling Defendants and located in the United States as of June 28, 2016;

If the documentation specifically states “can be driven under its own 2.0- liter TDI engine power” and nothing else, then honor the agreement. He may be exploiting the system, but if that’s the only definition they gave over what the car has to look like when it gets returned, then it’s clearly VW’s problem that they

“wasn’t in the spirit of the buyback.”

Since the contract defines ‘operable’ legally he should be entirely in the clear.

My wife refers to me alternatively as ‘Boy Scout’ but meant in a pejorative way and Saint Francis. I am good with animals of many types and tend to prefer them to people. Most of my life until developing an allergy I have had cats.

Chew on it for as long as you need, the point is apt.

I was walked once when I arrived at 1am (late flight) in Seattle. No other hotels in the city available to them. I ended up staying in a conference room on the floor for the night. Sometimes getting walked is awesome, but when you just want a shower and a bed and they can’t give it to you, it’s not that awesome.

I strongly, the point of almost ordering it excised from this piece, disagreed with Ballaban on the Dodge Durango. But I have kind of a sentimental attachment to the current one, as it’s the car my wife and I used the week we got married to transport people and dogs and all sorts of ridiculous wedding crap. I found it

Insurance companies are the worst.

If that issue were treated more sensitively than I suspect it is, I’d be okay with that. Being deprived of all human contact for a year will do very bizarre things to a person’s psyche.

That varies widely by industry. 30 days supply is exceedingly low for cars, but exceedingly high for, say, cut roses.

Did they stop?

Why do people need to segregate their by race and gender? Can’t she look up to Rey or Fin or Poe or Leah or Luke? If they’re not Asian they can’t be someone she play as or look up to?

I gotta disagree Vin. This guy is well within his rights. The buyout doesn’t take into consideration whether you have the best or the worst shape of car. Some people are making out better than others as is usually the case in these matters. I would assume then, that the better shape your vehicle is in, the less good

Completely different. You get a speeding ticket for breaking a rule so paying in pennies is being an ass for being caught breaking a rule. In this case, he bought a car, with the full intention of paying for it and enjoying it, and was completely screwed over by the manufacturer. What rule did he break?

It won’t affect the dealers much at all. Dealers may have to house the cars for a short time, while VW figures out where to put them all, but the dealers have no skin in this game. Dealers are simply a location to help facilitate the buyback process.

For the first time, I’m ok with the car salesman in this situation. Especially since he is not screwing “someone”. Giant corporation that knowingly cheated, lied, and violated the laws of many countries is not a person.

The term is defined clearly in the court documents: