
That’s an inboard configuration.

Mazda recently announced it is still bringing a diesel CX5 here.

Hence why I’m probably not going to replace my current cheating VW with another VW, even though the GTI is quite nice.

I’m guessing it uses Christini’s regular AWD system. Notice how the forks look a bit different?

You die doesn’t have to make all 50 at once... that isn’t even close to realistic.

That is a bad argument to make. It all comes down to intent. If a company did everything reasonable and had no intent to put people at risk, I’m not sure they should be arrested (fuzzy here, depends on exact situation). But if they intended to do stuff that clearly put people’s safety into Jeopardy, then yes, they

If the US has historically supported the “One China Policy,” where has Taiwan  been getting F16's?

Well, here’s a starting point:

That would unfairly go against manufacturing companies, and benefit companies like Google. Staffing your assembly line with high-school educated workers that put nuts and bolts together would drastically lower the median worker income compared to a software company full of software engineers. Why would the top

Nissan does it too, and it is horrible.

The US market Colorado looks 10x better than the global market version.

The Octane was basically an Indian Scout with some minor engine tweaks and styling changes.

I saw a lady on an Indian Chief just like this last year, and man, was it a good looking bike.

I always felt that once they snapped up Indian, they should have converted Victory into a brand that made sportbikes, electric bikes, adventure bikes, and such; basically, a Honda competitor but leave the cruisers to Indian.

Where is the drive shaft? Or is it also rear engine? If so, what is all the shit up front?

“Or maybe not done it at the home of the people who had adopted the animal.”

You forget that even minor re-badging a car that is not for the US market requires passing many certifications and such. Crash standards, headlight standards, emission standards...

Mexican auto workers are paid $4-$5 per hour... that comes out to double what you list.

If this is enough to cause you to not buy another Ford, I don’t think there is a car brand out there you would feel good about buying.

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What ever happened to the rumored F150 diesel?