
Are you 18 or 19?

“Oh, you thought it was a good idea to make it so I have to tear apart the entire dashboard to get to the heater core!?! Well fuck you very much.”

Well, that’s some damn expensive rope.

And yet no one bitches that they have to shift their “automatic” transmission from P, to D, or R...

I just looked at the first page of “Women’s Jackets” on Revzilla. Only 5 of the 120 where shown having any traces of pink on the primary image.

Maybe part of the reason it was so popular was because it was written by a President...

There was probably someone out there that was upset the land the house you grew up in involved destroying a bunch of wild land and turning it into farmland.

Low $30k’s is a good price? Ha. Hahahaha.

What American cars are you basing this off of? Have you sat in an recently?

To me, Hyundai is this weird middle ground of a vehicle that I don’t want. Back in the day, Hyundai used to undercut the competition in price, and their warranty backed it up. Sure, a Toyota was a nicer vehicle that had a reputation for being bullet proof, but what did that matter when you just wanted transportation

Here is the thing.... none of them are technically legal to operate on public roadways. That’s why there is a buyback in the first place.

Is a car that clearly violates emissions laws an operable car? Why safety and not emissions? You can’t allow one and not the other.

While I think this guy was being a bit of a douche, VW rejecting his buyback at this time could cause a lot of issues for other people. What if I’m rear-ended on the way to my buyback appointment? Is VW going to force me to fix it? What if my Galaxy Note 7 had burst into flames and torched a fair amount of my

What’s with the more Uber hate than usual?

As a motorcyclist, I support whatever safety gizmo they want to add to cars. As a driver, they are annoying as fuck.

Wow, 4,000 whole miles!

To be fair, it will also generate more downforce than your Saab...

Who is Neil Patel and why is he suddenly relevant?

And you’ve been leaving money at the table as a result.