
Trip Advisor ain’t bad. I’ll admit, their app and website ain’t as slick as Yelp’s, but it works.

These comments are filled with people that obviously have no idea how a limited slip differential works. The speeds are so low in this thing it isn’t sending the power to the needed side. Drag the brake a bit and it’ll get in just fine. Or, if you want a bit of excitement, stab the gas peddle.

This is exactly how torsen differentials are designed to work. They are quite amazing, but do have some drawbacks, like that they’ll send all the power to the free-spinning wheel. Simply drag the brake a bit and it’ll get out of it just fine.

Drag the brake a bit, don’t stab the gas peddle.

To be fair, everyone should be boycotting Yelp for their shitty and predatory business tactics. Straight up blackmail.

I’m not arguing what you said. I’m merely pointing out that total gun sales are down. Which would generally make it hard for 1st time gun sales to be rising, since less than 32% of people own a gun or live with someone that owns a gun.

Hey... is there anyway I can get un-greyed? I used to be, but apparently when you delete your Twitter account, you can no longer log into your Kinja account, so you’ve got to create a new one (I used to be Duck, now DuckSupreme)

Gun sales have been down since Trump won the election...

That’s about the last thing he would do. He has been talking about adding more protectionist trading laws that would effectively be similar to the chicken tax, but apply to all non-US made vehicles.

So, you keep saying small cars will be roughly $5,000 more expensive if they are produced in the US. Does that mean that the next generation Focus’s (Focuii?) will be about $5,000 cheaper since they will be produced in Mexico, instead of the US?

For the most part, I didn’t like watching the interview segments. I did like to see what their actual lap time was though.

There might be someone out there to pay that, but most would just save $12,000 and get a North American market (LHD) Toyota Pickup. It’d be a bit better at getting out of it’s own way too.

Whats with the crossover hate on this site? Yeah, a lot of them suck, but the CX5 is one of the best vehicles you can buy out there. It’s a jack of all trades, master of none. The CX-5 has plenty of storage space, has ample ground clearance, yet is still fun to drive. The interior is a pleasant place to be and it

Me having a brain took away their jobs.

That isn’t unheard of at non-union places...

Just as a factory was an example...

Is the Bolt rated to tow?

So they aren’t saving the jobs... they are just making it a bit more cushy when they don’t have one...

How would the union prevent layoffs? If it took 6,000 people to make 600,000 cars, and now only 400,000 cars are being sold, the company will cut 2,000 jobs (not exactly how it works, but whatever). How will the union save these jobs? By buying an additional 200,000 cars?

My point still stands that there aren’t many union engineers. Most union members are in the skilled and unskilled trades.