I Am Gnome Ann

Your confusion is the entire part and parcel of why they are doing it. Sharia law is not something that has ever been a part nor ever will be a part of North Carolina or Federal law. Putting forward a bill to ban it will not change that. No judges use it. Now, putting it forward in a state that used to have one of the

Unfortunately, there's a couple things wrong with that statement. The first is that Senators Hagan and Burr are Senators at a Federal level and while they do influence state politics, as far as I am aware they are not involved with this (State-level) legislation. The second is that Senator Hagan is most definitely not

Haha, I always forget about Homeland. People were freaking out about Claire Danes at the courthouse last week. I guess I'll be looking over people's shoulders for their super secret Academy handshakes now. :-)

That's a really good point I hadn't considered, the "elite" factor. Thanks!

Ok, sure, but are they really spread so far out over the *entire nation* that someone in Raleigh is watching the same ad "for your consideration" as someone in LA? Real question, because I do not know. I only started noticing that kind of ad this year and am curious.

Well, and I'm sure I'm not the only one weirded out by the "For Your Emmy Consideration" ads on either side of Mad Men. It's not like I can vote on the Emmy Awards. Consider your demographics, is all I ask.

Once I dreamed that I was pregnant with a watermelon. Some kinda fucked up lesson about swallowing seeds there!

I laughed out loud when I saw Peggy in that ridiculous outfit last night when I finally got around to watching the finale. It's just such a classic thing to do, let me put on my nice dress and parade myself in front of you to make it clear what you're missing out on. I laughed so much my roommate came in and we

Does he have a tattoo of a kiss on his neck? Is it real or fake, I wonder?

We don't even have an orange rimmed pot in my office anymore, apparently it didn't get enough use to be out.

Pain-Capable Infant Protection Act is such a lame name.

The "free" in "freelancer" thing is honestly why I started saying I "work on commission." Same, basically, but makes it clear that I expect to be paid.

Actually, when I was in Paris I went to lunch with a group that included this absolutely ridiculous woman. We walked in late, so the waitstaff was already irritated at us. Then she spent 20 minutes deciding if she wanted the "ham omelet with no ham" or just a plain omelet. At one point she went too far - "Is the onion

Am I the only one who was told that the French called it "English Kissing"?

I hope these are for lounging around the house glamorously, or something. I can't sleep in anything longer than my butt unless I want it up around my waist by midnight from all the tossing and turning I do.

Right? It's not even the "once in a while" wearing, it's the every-day-baggy-cargo-shorts wearing that gets to me. I think current DudeDisaster has maybe one pair.

Wears either pajamas (the flannel kind with prints) or cargo shorts no matter what day it is. With soccer shoes. The only pants I ever saw him wear were the jeans he was required to wear as part of our uniform at the *Ruby Tuesday* we worked at.

Hold out! I got an IUD and had acne for a while after it... but it DID go away within a year, and now I have great skin marred only by a minor breakout every once in a long while. I had terrible acne in high school as well and I get compliments on my skin now. Which is crazy to me.

Yeah, it's the kind of stuff that people used to drink during Prohibition.

Ugh, just yesterday I was subjected to this in my own goddamn office! This idiot that makes benevolently sexist comments all the damn time walked by my desk and was all, "Smile! Day's almost over!" and I got to glare at him and tell him I had a temporary crown put in. HA!