
It is handy to have a patch of body work instead of glass when mounting a ladder to the side to access the roof. Otherwise you could easily put a boot through the window. Should be an optional piece of trim though

My first thought: “Sweet, citroen might actually sell some cars this year.”
In Australia Citroen is struggling and only managed a few hundred sales last year.

I feel so bad for laughing so hard

The old one looks like it was written with japanese brush calligraphy whilst the new one was done with a wide white board marker

Fell asleep at the wheel when I was 20ish on the freeway. Luckily hit a rail about 1m after it started (rather than right into the end of it). Bounced off, woke up and the car had a decent scratch but was otherwise well. Since then life’s been pretty good, job, wife, kid. But it just nags on me every now and then

lols of the day

yeah it’s what happens when you agree with toyota on a wheelbase then decide to design a car to go atop that. have a look a the concept version, wheel at each corner.

came here to say that

Is that Marty from MCM testing out his new Mira?

An absolute bargain if you ask me. $250k doesn’t buy much these days. Try going to Singer and offering $250k for a car, they’d laugh you out of the joint

Ok well lets go through it, the front on the concept had a very clear intention. The kidney grills stuck out and seemed free floating like that on a vintage maserati. However with crash safety and production vents, the creases and blackouts no longer made sense, the delineation between the “nose” and the rest of the

um... need I say more

far out, the word “peugeot” on the front air dam looks like it’s written on with a permanent marker. that’s pretty dope

I know it’s pedantic and all but it should be Heuer on the side, not tag heuer

He can believe it to be true and thus base his decision making on this truth and only support those that are in line with this belief.

PM tavarish

couldn’t he have used a mondial v8 or a 355 v8 instead? seems a bit plush to use a f40 engine for NA purposes... but then again, if we were super rich we’d probably do the same

X1 is brilliant value, X2 is stupid, X3 is great, X4 is even better, X5 is the best and X6 is daft. Hear me through, X1, cheap, badge, space. X2, smaller and no one will care whether you bought a x1 or x2 and it isn’t nearly as practical for more cash. X3 great all rounder, X4 well... if you needed the space you’d

damn you! Ireally liked the i8 and it was just hitting the sweet part of the depreciation curve, now I can’t unsee that

Took me a while to figure it out, but was the blue on the WRX the same shade as the M2?