Every defender carries a folding chair.
+1 “that’s big time football”
In case they’re not already doing it, fitting the refs with dogwhistles feels mandatory.
The Quarterback may not throw the ball. The Quarterback will have two (2) options for getting rid of the ball:
Let the ambulances drive directly onto the field. If a player gets squished, it’s their own damn fault.
Rey is such a badass, I love her.
I watch that scene and it baffles me how many people disliked this movie. That fight alone was worth the price of admission. It looks amazing and it’s stunningly filmed. And the best part is it all looks real. It’s none of that CGI hopping fests they the prequels did.
I think Heelan is stellar. She’s willing to 100% throw herself into the comedic meat grinder, like Gillian Jacobs-level.
Really hope this gets picked up again. Tuned in once by chance and got hooked. This was a lot of fun. Still amazed by how much I ended up loving Nicole Richie.
Between the robot and Ray Liotta, the connection between Great News and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is stronger than ever!
Have billed ourselves as the “Greatest Country In The World”, then outraged that people want to come here.
Sounds cool, man. I’ll be there. And I’ll bring the Sunny D.
In New England, it’s a grindah!
Netflix went on to say that Bright was particularly popular with subscribers’ Canadian girlfriends.
Check is in the mail Alex. Thanks again.
They have shows and youtube videos that just recap the funniest or most heartwarming ads.
Maybe the musical guest will flip the bird again or something.