Cooke comments are merely continuing the tradition of honor, respect and pride synonymous with the Redskins name.
Cooke comments are merely continuing the tradition of honor, respect and pride synonymous with the Redskins name.
Pat Listach
“1992 guys”
Sure his efficiency rating might be good, but he’s never gonna catch Shawn Kemp’s career statistics.
The Onion’s characterization of Bannon as a hive-swarm of putrescent insects was spot-on.
Steve Bannon is pretty impressive for a writhing mass of excrement and maggots mimicking a human form.
Before I clicked your link I thought it was gonna say that the Elantra GT is a value packed turd.
I bought a 2017 GTI in August and I’m head-over-heels in love with it. It’s a fantastic car and it blows my mind that I paid $22k out the door for it.
Giulia still in the shop?
What track record are you basing the Model 3 being “better” on? The car isn’t even really being produced yet.
While I agree the Giulia is a beautiful car and looks fun, you need to chill the fuck out.
Counterpoint: The 2018s will have double the warranty (6 year/72,000 mile), hence the massive discounts on the 2017s. I believe this will greatly reduce depreciation on the 2018s, so any savings on a 2017 now may be passed on to when it’s sold. The 2017s are basically the same car, but from a value standpoint the 2018…
Yes the 2018s have some upgrades in both tech and power, but they aren’t on the lot yet.
Tom - you helped my neighbor find their hybrid Highlander for a fair price and they were grateful for the rec to try you out. Tnx.
You do good things for good people Tom. Two E63 wagons. You do good things.
+1 case of sexlexia
+1 you’re with me, weather
This is quite a shock, since there has been virtually no substance at ESPN for many years now.