Genial Black Man (trecoolx)

Ohhhh poor man’s Rob Lowe!

Nah they’re employees in the building who were coerced into filling the empty spots in the audience

  • Megyn Kelly said, “Having children was the only moment in my life that changed me as a human being...all your selfishness leaves.”

I’ve found that people who declare parenthood has made them more holy were assholes before and are even bigger assholes now.

But she didn’t lie! She DID become unselfish!

Her existential “this is awesome!” talk is so transparent.

“...tons of men in suits in the audience...”

“Having children was the only moment in my life that changed me as a human being...all your selfishness leaves.”

“It made me realize that I definitely don’t want my white children growing up thinking there is even a possibility that Santa could be black!”

I’m just gonna go ahead and make a different one every day every time one of you guys posts this.

Maybe Megyn’s internal OS update failed and explains all......this?

“Having children was the only moment in my life that changed me as a human being...all your selfishness leaves.”

TIL: someone gets hot and bothered over Greg Kinnear lol.

Yessss, let the palette grow!

Megyn Kelly Colors, 9/25/17-10/19/17

Now playing

#neverforget #doingthelordswork #whitejesus #whitesanta

She wrote it because she thinks she is very smart and delivered a hot take we all needed to hear.

There are dozens of us!

I saw it twice! I’ve seen maybe 4 movies twice in the theater in my life.

I do not enjoy Chelsea Handler’s particular comedic stylings.