Wow, not even a Gentleman’s F!
Wow, not even a Gentleman’s F!
When the Executive Branch of our government is openly calling for someone to be fired because of her speech, the First Amendment argument is definitely valid.
Eh, this is pretty much what white “liberals” actually sound like.
Black people: protesting
Looking forward to the next ESPN commercial where the school mascots have to pick sides during the cafeteria race riot in Bristol.
Takeaway: There are some dumb MFers at ESPN. Seriously, one person can’t see the difference between the Lin incident (which involved an unwarranted racial slur
- that might have been an accident, sure) and a label (supremacist) ostensibly based on a person’s actual past activities?
Takeaway: There are some dumb MFers at ESPN. Seriously, one person can’t see the difference between the Lin incident (which involved an unwarranted racial slur - that might have been an accident, sure) and a label (supremacist) ostensibly based on a person’s actual past activities?
Just a reminder that Donald Trump publicly berated Obama on a daily fucking basis for eight fucking years, continually insisting that he did not meet the minimum requirement to be president. In short, fuck Donald Trump, and fuck this hypocritical bullshit by the right.
Our country has moved so far to the right that people who openly call themselves “conservatives” are basically authoritarians. It isn’t about consistency in the law, it’s about using your power to silence people you don’t like.
“Businesses need to be politically agnostic or they risk alienating large swaths of the country whether you agree with them or not.”
Remember, calling a white person racist (even if everything they do is racist) is the worst speech offense you can commit. Donald Trump can call Mexicans rapists, he can tell people that only Jews should count money, he can be sued for racial discrimination against black people, and he’ll still be elected president.
Damn it SNL, I told you to sell your David S Pumpkins futures before Halloween.
“If you can convince black women though, watch your career go to stratosphere.”
Well researched and written. The biggest takeaway is that she should have listened to the people around her. Even the song you posted in the article, had she dropped the blaccent and gone with Valley girl ala kesha in the first part of her career that would have been a cute little underground sleeper hit.
...Man, I think I’m going to keep coming back to this piece all day, thinking about it more. Upon reflection, this bit is really sticking with me:
Can we also talk about the fact that a lot of people were more interested in the chorus of that one song than the actual verses? Like, sure, there are definitely specific parts of her verses that I sing and get a little hype on, but what I’m mostly singing along with is... “I’m so fancy / you already know....”
This is amazing — thoroughly researched, relentlessly argued and really compellingly written. Thank you for making my morning with it!
if you want to hear about why he always wears protection, and other questions of that ilk, be my guest.