
Yeah I thought that was a really weird choice considering that G-Gundam has been in this series of games since the beginning. Heck the final boss of the first game was Dark Gundam. I am just said we don’t have the OG MASTER ASIA!!!

It would be kind of cool if WoW did something akin to FF14's Warriors of Darkness bit.

Oh yeah I forgot the data mining that was done a little while ago and that she stormed off possibly to return to her homeland.

Isn’t WoW running out of big bads at this point? I can only think of the Naga, Old Gods, and Emerald Dream are left.

You know I really dislike Destiny but I can still enjoy the little fun bits. Maybe just maybe if Bungi just said, “screw this completely lets just go balls to wall”, the game might just might be able to have a good/fun story. I think they should just do what Saints Row did.

I am completely okay with this.

Or that could just be their style?

I will bring up that Doomfist was originally just a gauntlet and a brief story told by a kid in the original announcement trailer for Overwatch. (Never meant to be a character at all) I mean this actually has a cast voice, an image, and lore behind it.

Oh no they are very aware. The white supremacist, the KKK, and the Neo Nazis are very aware of this.

I can see this getting banned real quick if it escalates.  

As D.Va I avoid using my entire DM except when absorbing ults. I completely agree with you and this is why I am going to slowly transition from OW to HotS since at least the characters are actually more respected there and do what they were made to do.

The funny thing about this is that she is doing great in HotS and I think actually functions better there than her original conception. (Heck I get this feeling from the majority of OW characters in HotS.)

Well using the missiles along with matrix can help shut down ults and being able to fly and shoot is convenient but yeah the matrix nerf was kind of dumb considering it was one of the few remaining things keeping her being a tank and all.

That is the point most aren’t.

I will state this I have to play with it myself to see. The thing is unless Zen gets knock off the map he can not die during his Ult while Mercy can.

I play on PS4 as well. It is just disheartening that every character has to be killing something instead of doing their implied roles. I think its funny that they gave her a great passive to make her more effective to taking it away not long after. (Since she can die now just by rezzing one person) I will say this the

The ult reduces it from 30 secs to 10 secs. That is not short enough to rez an entire team. (People will be up again way before 10 secs) To make it really effective the cds on both need to be shorter. The cool thing though from what I have seen is that you get a portrait of whom/what you are rezzing. This rework will

Now playing

Here you go guys the works for Mercy and D.VA (You can Maxtrix and fire missiles so you can essentially absorb most of an ult while killing said person ulting):

Now playing

Bonus info missiles (I believe its line on PTR now too?):

She is less of a tank now more than ever and she now can fire missiles. (Based on the stats for the missiles they are like Pharah’s but weaker) She is less a tank character and now more a harasser/ganker character that should focus on snipers/lone targets. The easiest character I would say is Soldier 76 period and I