You better werk, Claire.
You better werk, Claire.
It's called "Who's Got Game," and one of the 10 things you should know about it, according to the press release, is:"4) It can also be brought to cafes, malls, and bars, and used to meet new people (Portable pack included)."And sorry for the old link, but no matter how old something is on the Internet, it's always new…
Oh, neat! I guess I misinterpreted that part in the video's description (and being a Doctor Who philistine, I didn't catch them myself). I've changed the text to reflect that. Thanks!
You may have a pleasant surprise coming your way in a couple of weeks…
Except that with the drag queens, they were designing for actual people with actual opinions on how they wanted to look, and designing for their bodies specifically. This was designing for an imaginary entity that's overseen by who knows how many people, and didn't even take into account what the dress would look like…
Okay, I'll fix the quote to reflect that.
Hm, you might be right. I listened to it a couple times and couldn't be sure. Can anyone who was there (maybe that guy up top) verify?
Fair enough, and I had a feeling this would be a divisive episode. And I did think the judging was more fun than usual, which is what saved this episode from D territory for me. But the line between "playing along" and "pandering" is very thin, and in my opinion, this episode went too far in the wrong direction, and…
I do think the judging was more entertaining than usual, for sure. But I couldn't get over how farcical it all was, especially all the gushing about Miss Piggy. But you're right, the Pigs In Space line was cute, as was Austin quoting The Muppet Show opening before the runway.
You are so right it's not even funny.
MIHH, along with a few others—The Moth, Walking The Room, Thrilling Adventure Hour—were accidentally left off. They should be showing up momentarily.
I do read, and love, T&Lo! In fact, for those of you complaining about not being able to see the dresses well because of editing, it's a great place to go for good, hi-res photos of all the looks (though it takes them a few days to post).
Interesting. I didn't really notice because I was pausing as each dress came down the runway to take notes, but I can see that being really annoying. In the spirit of optimism, there are still a lot of designers to get through each week, and the shortening from 90 to 60 minutes doesn't help. (NOT that this should be…
I've been breaking out in terror-hives at the thought of taking over for Teti all week. Trust, you're not the only one who's gonna miss his recaps. That's what I get for daring to kinda like All-Stars!
You guys inspired me to up my game, so here's my Starbuck pony:…
I'm so happy I get to be Britta.
There are some lines from season 4, but unless you've seen the season, I don't think they'll really mean anything without context. In fact, most of the "spoilers" are more like allusions—the only semi-obvious one has to do with Jane. But I put the warning anyway, just to be safe.
I don't think anyone's claiming the song is ABOUT date rape; I know I'm certainly not. Just that, in a more modern, cynical context, it can easily be interpreted that way. In fact, I'd argue that She And Him reversing the gender roles in their version is a comment on that very interpretation.
That's Kyle. I'm in there too, as are Josh and Marah, if you wanna get all Where's Waldo on this sucker.
I'm going to ignore your rudeness and respond to your general point: I actually kind of agree that the "rape" aspect of "Baby It's Cold" outside is generally overblown, and I think Steven and I both mentioned it more to be cheeky than to actually decry the (original) song, which actually I sort of like. Then again,…