Thanks! I’m starting here:…
Thanks! I’m starting here:…
I’m having trouble getting results with a quick Google now & with past Googles before today. In the past, media reports on the UK decision to move forward have seemed to side-step this aspect of the conversation. I should look at the full transcripts. I am happy for more specific citations (if you can, please :-).…
Oh! Awesome reply. I did not know about this and it’s a great step. What more do we do? Where do I find conversations on the risks that are vs. are not mitigated and how we’ve done it? Thank you, thank you (& this should really be a mainstream conversation, or at least in congress/parliament where it seems absent).
Empirically, I understand that unintended dissemination to neighboring fields has in fact already occured although it is rare & has gone against steps put in place to ensure that this would not happen (I’m looking for a citation). It is also possible that such dissemination would occur with future GMO seeds. Finally…
I did intend a broader discussion, because of… and… for example.
Is genetics research held to a higher standard when demonstrating safety and looking for side-effects? If not, it should — right? — so why not?