
For fuck sake, seriously? So in this scenario, it doesn’t matter if the story was irredeemably flawed as long as it raises awareness? Fuck that shit. It was a terrible story and we don’t need help like that.

Ugh. Yes. I am a US Navy Victim Advocate and I hate that we have “restricted reporting” that allows you to get health, chaplain, and advocate care without reporting to the chain of command. In the last few years we’ve had several developments come through to protect victims from the accused (if victim requests

I agree. I used to be an RA, and I was absolutely required to call the police if a student ever told me she was raped. She could then decide not to press charges or whatever, but it made me so uncomfortable knowing that I couldn’t say, “We don’t have to to call the police if you don’t want me to.” I definitely

Uhh what’s the alternative?

I think it would be great if they were required too. Schools shouldnt be handling criminal matters.

I think we both know the solution to this

Since flawed campus judiciary systems allowed rampant sexual assault to go unreported and unpunished, doesn’t it makes sense to remove their power to adjudicate? I’m not seeing a problem with making campuses defer to real police forces and real courtrooms that aren’t beholden to a University P.R. machine.


As two separate stories:

Honestly, I’m not sure where I come down on that argument either. I support the trans* community in every other way possible, but I’ve seen scientific studies that argue in both directions with regards to innate advantages. And even the “there’s no advantage” studies tiptoe around the issue; they’re always careful to

They may have bigger bones but those bones can be much weaker. Studies find that if they follow the hormone replacement religiously and dont mess it up then the bones should be fine but if they fuck up then there will be a bone density loss. Also here is 1 study done with slightly different results: http://www.ncbi.nlm

do we want a future in which all the best female atheletes are trans women?

That was way too nuanced. Just call White and Rousey disgusting garbage people whenever their names come up, and let’s all move on.

Jezebel desperately needs science writers, or at least science-literate writers.

Football is, in a way, still worse. Pro fighters fight maybe 3-4 times a year, compared to the dozens and dozens of matches per year a football players does in a single season.

The “compelling medical evidence” you cite is the opinion of two doctors who perform gender reassignment surgeries — they don’t cite any studies on the actual issue, or indicate that they’ve done any specific research on the implications of gender reassignment for sports, and make casual statements like “she would prob

From the linked article:

I'm from Texas and I hate you.

Well, I'm from Texas, and jealousy is unattractive.