Generic Superhero

On one hand, this is something I might invest in, since I'm both active on Twitter and also an asshole. As a younger guy leaving college and trying to get a real adult job, I'm terrified that some HR asshole will look up my Twitter or Facebook feeds and see something they don't like. If there's one thing that scares

I had to watch a documentary narrated by Ellen Page a few years back for a film class. It discussed the decline of bee populations, and made a reasonable case to consider the potential effects that pesticides, both GMO or otherwise, have on bees.


So Google now KEEPS A COPY of my weird porn searches? I prefer google as a voyeur, not one of those creepers that keeps hair and fingernails.

You just gave my grandfather's argument for NCAA Women's Basketball over all other forms. Then there's some other veiled racist comment about "team players" or something, but I'm usually already sauced at that point.

"Not into a dump truck though, because that's not how the internet works."

I don't think "terrifying" is the right word. Perhaps "unsettling," like accidentally walking in on your parents boning in the living room when you're old enough to comprehend what was happening, is a better word.

The song itself is actually pretty good, especially broken into its various parts. The bass slinks around, the vocals click, and the dueling guitars at the end of the song take it to a soaring level.

I once found an abbreviated live cover of "Sad but True" by Nickelback on youtube, and it was surprisingly competent. It actually made me angrier that I used to like them as a kid, because they're shitty by choice, rather than merely a functional hard rock group.

And Henley sued over a goddamn pun.

The solos at the end are genuinely still great. They're the only piece of that song that haven't been irreparably soiled by working retail.

I'm just waiting for Netflix to pull an Amazon and start investing into something absurd like internet infrastructure or another form of delivery method for their content. I know the whole Title II classification could be helpful in the long run, but I really want to see a vicious fight between the real power players

Don't lie: we'd all watch a nature documentary narrated by Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair.

Am I alone in wishing that we could get Netflix to start actively trolling cable companies at every opportunity?

Because it's delivered by him. Weezy is the only rapper I've ever heard to drop horrible, terrible lines and make them sound slicker than they ever have any business sounding.

I have that version on my Mac, and it's driven me nuts every time I've played it. I'm sure I'll reinstall it again someday, but my last experience killed my enthusiasm.

If my historical analysis is correct, the Boomers are the first generation in quite a while that didn't actively seek to better the generations after them.

The whole "both parties are the same!" shit is really disingenuous. It's one thing to feel like there's a lack of alternatives, but the two major parties are NOT the same.

Nah, Gen X still needs A) More money than they can/will spend and B) a strong sense of entitlement regarding their importance relative to their kids' and grandkids' worldviews.

I've still got it in my head that Rocksmith sucks. I taught myself how to play guitar, so in recognition of my collection of bad habits over 3 years of learning, I got Rocksmith to see if I could iron out some of my worst idiosyncrasies as a player. After getting a little frustrated with the lessons ("HARMONICS ARE