Generic Superhero

I don't think the Symbol version of Batman transfers well to film, because those stories should always be (in theory) self-contained episodes. If you use a mini-series or a similar arc, you can see the meaning of the symbol take on a greater weight within the narrative world.

This interpretation of Batman seems utterly fascinating to me. The idea of Batman as a symbol of order among chaos is kind of cool, albeit a little strange in light of recent portrayals of Batman as a man actively breaking in front of us.

*Frank Stallone recedes into the shadows*

I would argue that the comedic highs of Sandler never really hit the same points as Ferrell. Besides, if Anchorman 2, Casa De Mi Padre, and Get Hard are Will Ferrell's lowlights, I'd think he's still ahead.

There's a shaving supply store in my local mall that's STILL using Mortdecai advertisements. It's kind of painful.

The power of inertia.


I love them both, but if I had to pick only one, I take Otis every time. Sam Cooke's version is uplifting, but you can hear the desperation in every note Otis sang.

For once, Joey.blowey isn't crazy! I kind of hate this song, but it's not due to the song itself being bad.

The goatee defeats the whole "old lesbian" image though.

Ah Romeā€¦ A civilization that appreciated a fine orgy.

Serious question: when does the "faith-based" audience start to notice that they've been reduced to just another gimmick demographic?

I couldn't shake the vague resemblance to Tom Jones whenever I looked at Pacino in the trailer.

Dammit, bring back the Muppet Show.
You could probably still get George Burns to host, since nothing could convince me that he could ever actually die.

I saw the trailer for this on a date. She and I looked at each other, and shrugged pleasantly. I mean, it's basically Al Pacino playing Tom Jones in a redemption story line, and I'm weirdly compelled to see it.

I think you're being redundant there.

Nothing LEGAL, amiright?

And how!

You're right! I'd rather Keep Getting It On!

Wait, you're from near where I am.