Generic Superhero

Given the circumstance, how do you keep getting sent to jail?

And this is why it's time for Idris Elba.

Only the good die young. The CBS audience lives forever.

Different strokes, I guess*

I guess you won't be pouring one out for Coverdale/Page, huh?

That's definitely the album that seems to fit as a "hang your hat" moment. It's huge, a little dramatic, and the songs are impeccably crafted for the most part, and that's pretty much The Who in a nutshell.

Cheap Trick just resists the "overplayed" label gloriously. The Budokan version of "I want you to want me" should be considered a steaming pile of overplayed crap now, but it's Cheap Trick, so it's more thoroughly awesome than most other things on this planet.

Guitar Hero actually led me away from Nu-Metal and shitty 2000s Butt Rock, and Rock Band was responsible for introducing me to Social Distortion, which led to me diving deeper into punk rock and later picking up and learning the guitar.

Clooney seemingly carries 90% of his roles through his charisma alone, and it's truly a gift that I'll always be damn jealous.

UPDATE: The drinks went well! She's still really cool! I have no idea why she's interested in me! THE SYSTEM WORKS!

Mildly enjoyable, yet occasionally sad and wistful. That's about the best summary I can give.

Is that a compliment? I don't think that's a compliment.

There was probably a way to make midi-chlorians work without destroying all the mysticism surrounding the Force.

If there's anything I've learned during my brief time in the dating world, it's that there's usually no "later" 98% of the time.


I got a David Carradine notification for this? :(

Wait, the guy that asked me while I was at work if a toilet float would work as a ballgag is ALSO an AVClubber?

For this specific instance of shuddering, I'm focusing on Bro Country, rather than all country music at large. In a nutshell, I find the culture that surrounds Bro Country itself to be rather bothersome (ex. trying to turn "redneck" into an overtly positive thing) at the most benign and weirdly racist and xenophobic

It's like looking at youtube comments for any well-known rock song from the early 1990s and beyond.

I'm pretty sure my older racist uncle has something for this, and it relates to "teamwork" and playing the game the "right" way.