Generic Superhero

"The NBA has no talent these days. They don't play like a team anymore!"
-White Dads over 40.

They aren't opposition. They're crazy people who utilize the internet to sit in their own echo chambers, devoid of societal moderation or socialization.

So history ISN'T fair and balanced?

Federal power should be wielded as a big swinging dick of moderation of some of our country's more insane regions.

I know you're being sarcastic, but after 6 months of removing flamboyant conservatives from my social network, I think I might be far too scarred to laugh at this point.

This username/comment synergy works.


In that the government will incompetently stumble into it, then try to clumsily save themselves.

While we could argue about the relative truth of history (peer reviewed history does its best, but even the most meticulous collections can have errors), I don't get why it's so hard to teach history in a fair way to all sides.

I watched Bowling for Columbine and Sicko in community college, and yet everyone was a rational adult about what the films showed. Perhaps that's because I WASN'T surrounded by assholes?

Honestly, I felt exactly that way! Until that point that I let him go, I thought saving Ben would be rewarded (at least somewhat) through the game, but I slowly came to realize that I wasn't getting a reward for being nice to a useless character. It was easier to let go when that resolution hit.

Nah, she'll show up in Season 3, after whoever you started the season with is removed in short order, then proceed to hang around for the whole narrative arc!

Now that I think back on it…

I think the Walking Dead games might serve as a good way to check if you're able to feel anything emotionally, because they seem personally designed to make you feel things.

When he got shot in the leg, I knew something was brewing, and I immediately got indigestion. When the ice cracked, I panicked and did the stupid thing, trying to help him. When I saw him falling into the depths with a zombie on him, I had to pause the game to recollect myself, because it was too intense for me.

I left Lily to die after she shot Carley (She could shoot, and Doug could not), and I never felt a drop of remorse. This could be due to her dad being a total asshole, and her unwillingness to tell him to shut the fuck up when grown folks is talkin', but she killed my most liked character up until that point. She was

When I lost Luke, I knew the entire group would eventually collapse due to Kenny.

You're either staying with Kenny, a destabilizing hot-head whose first priority is no longer protecting you, or you stay with Jane, a useful yet somewhat capricious survivor that says she'll protect you, yet she's seemingly doing so out of guilt for losing her sister.

In my eyes, I knew Kenny was gone when he was no longer able to calm his rage for the sake of survival. He destroyed a group that WAS willing to stay with him, because he wasn't willing to tolerate Arvo, and that wasn't something I remember Kenny being in Season 2. He was rash and pig-headed, but he was usually able

I killed Kenny. He was, in my eyes, too far gone from the character ("person" almost fits here) that I had known before. Too much had happened, and I could no longer trust him to hold it together when I needed him most. His paralysis after Sarita's death was my first warning sign, and his constant badgering of Arvo