Generic Superhero

Man, that ending…
SPOILERS FOR WALKING DEAD S2, so keep scrollin' if you don't want it ruined.
I honestly gave up at the end of Walking Dead S2. I tried my best to save everyone, and to keep the group together, but when Luke was dragged under the ice, I knew this game wasn't going to leave me with any happiness.

I always figured it's the simple things like "be polite, smile warmly, and don't sniff her hair."

I wish I could be Cary Grant.

Unfortunately, I'm the type whose anxiety is internalize more often than not, so I can seem totally open and enthusiastic on the outside, but some of my mannerisms that reflect the internal stuff can (so I've been told by my female friends) come off a little creepy to people that know nothing about me.

Really though, anyone that presumes that buying dinner for someone means though owe you is pretty sad. Usually, dinner is COMPENSATION for something, like helping your roommate with the half-ton couch move out of his tiny 5th floor apartment.

I've always taken "Creep" to mean I (or someone) am doing something to make the other party uncomfortable. I find it upsetting because with my cocktail of ADD, social anxiety, and other such things, I try really hard to make sure I don't hurt/offend/creep out people in my interactions.

"Creepy" is kind of a painful thing to be called, though, especially if you're taking care to NOT be creepy. After situations like getting called a creep for trying to start a polite conversation to alleviate the awkwardness of getting shoved together in the aisle an overcrowded bus, I'll admit that I'm wary to be

They just don't have the same dehumanizing history, and I have no idea why it's so hard to explain that to other white people.

"I'm not a Republican! I'm an independent!"

Wow, a comment about being fed up with race from someone in Arizona with a username that references their patriotism and awareness of the REAL issues that are tearing down this country?

The whole "movement" feels like a few pea-sized nuggets of reasonable logic got buried in truckloads of shit, and now we've got a bunch of pissed off 20-something white guys that think they're the real victims here.

That's why you always bring enough to pay for both parties, and subtly try to establish if they're A) okay with splitting the bill and/or B) the person you've gone out with expects you to pay for it without a second thought.

Which is why the Black Eyed Peas getting a Super Bowl gig made absolutely no sense. You know, other than being awful.

I never imagined the words "groupie" and "lube" going together in a sentence… but here we are.

Honestly, I found some neat remixes of Lollipop out there, especially one with Kanye and some oddly inspired rapping from Wayne himself. He's never been a great rapper, but his phrasing and his tunefully awful vocal tone can carry him on songs, and it's always made some of his guest appearances like dropping dynamite

I'm baffled that Lil Wayne is still releasing music. I'm also baffled that I bought a few singles off of Tha Carter III.

There's a metaphor here, right?

Or DIFFERENT dick jokes. Sometimes, we in the AV Club Commenteriat forget about our renowned expertise in this field, and lose touch with common punk rockers following in our footsteps.

Wait, the apostrophe leads me to believe he's Irish… Is he Irish now?

Does anyone REALLY like snipers? Video games have taught me that no one does!