
Meanwhile, in the US, we are getting rid of dodge ball, contact sports and jungle gyms for being too dangerous. Then we wonder why children would rather stay indoors than go outside and twiddle their thumbs for 3 hours.

As a human who has traveled with United a handful of times, this actually seems much more humane than, say, forcing the dog to speak with a desk agent.

Nothing beat her waving to the last guy at the 11:12 mark while doing 271 KPH down the strait. You know that dude was like "Well can't complain about Sabine passing me."

I.... would like to experience Sabine, in my lap, in any hand.....Sorry....damn this spell check...

Amazing video to watch, thank you!

She carries so much speed through the corners she makes it look like she's up 40 horsepower on everyone else.

The terrible audio was giving me a headache. Had to watch this on mute.

good to see a talented Female racers perform so well on track. plus she a car carrying mentallist as i seen her scaring the living daylight out of the British car boys Stef, a true racing legend on both side of the pond.

Lets get it on.

Generally when Top Gear goes anywhere they joke about the country, but end up showing that in reality it's a great place, with great people. Look at the Iraq one, I would have legitimately loved to visit the areas they went to after having seen that. The same with the Burma, and Bolivia ones.. All this one has done,

.....So uh.......I think......I think we need to have a chat *do* know that top gear has always been immature, right? And that "british humor" entails that sort of "We're better than you (but really we're the same or worse)" attitude, right? Nothing about top gear should be a surprise to you by now. If

What kind of dolt watches a Top Gear Special hoping to learn about the cars?


Any chance the BBC will release an edited version where they remove the 99% of the program that is bad juvenile humorless jokes and leave only the five minutes that is actually about cars?

But in the meantime, you have a proper choice of sportscars under $30k and 3$/ga gas, which makes fun motoring accessible to anyone.

The price means it's not an option. Most of us can't afford a brand new, base model A6 Avant. Outside of car shows, it's unlikely I'll every see an RS6 Avant in the wild (I've so far only seen one, and that was, if I recall, from about two model cycles ago)

I'm in Europe (and still in bed, because Christmas holidays), and I can't buy it, because it would cost me many years salary. As would be the case for 99% of Europeans. So don't be so jealous.

That sucks. That thing not only looks good, but is damn fast... or at least that was my impression when Vettel took me for a spin in it on Congress Ave.