
What issue? That it's too badass for YouTube?

Not trying to be "mature" simply stating a demographic reality.

Because it's one of the most popular video games on the planet, and this is a video game website.

Well, you are. You're just inserting them into a different conversation that was about something else entirely.

I reloaded my save when Ashley shot Wrex. I would have gone with it if there was some way that I could have had Ashley thrown in the brig and brought up for court martial for insubordination, but since there wasn't there was no way I was letting her get away with taking command away from her commander.

Except your personal opinions are not what's being discussed here.

Do you respond to all jokes by being a dick?

No, but what they describe about the game is what most people who play FPS games usually talk about. Level design, speed, responsiveness, weapon selection, etc. If the game hits all of those notes (and by all accounts it does) then it will sell.

Nah I'm going to one with my family this Saturday, should be fun.

Yeah, this sort of judgmental bullshit is exactly why you don't get invited to parties. But that's okay. I'm sure you sit at home immersed in your "internet culture," feeling like you're the cool one.

This right here is why no one wants you at their Halloween parties.

The only way this could have been better is if someone in the booth added in some camera distortion and static noises.

That doesn't change the fact that this kid got it from a video game.

Yes, I'm aware of that. I'm not sure what it has to do with the point that I made.

We're talking about the success or failure of specific products here. Your personal opinions don't factor into the conversation.

It is for consoles. PC gamers have no reason to buy either console, as usual. These are consoles being marketed to console gamers.

1: Buy an apple TV

You're missing the point. Titanfall isn't shooting for CoD-level sales. It's shooting to be the killer app you can only get on a MS console. It's a system-seller. MS isn't concerned with how much money it brings in; they're concerned with how many XB1's it puts in people's living rooms. That's what big-name

They paid whatever they had to do to get the exclusivity. MS isn't interested in making money on Titanfall. They're interested in using it to build an install base. This is their system-seller. The money will come later once there is an XB1 in millions of living rooms.

I'd say they have a better launch lineup on the XB1 when it comes to exclusives (and it's really exclusives that sell consoles). Titanfall, Crimson Dragon, Rise, Dead Rising, Forza 5, etc. They have a lot of genres covered there.