
I don't "take the word" of anyone trying to sell me something.

So does a K&M. What's your point?

Or maybe she's a decent parent who has a better grasp on what her child is and is not emotionally prepared for than some random asshole behind them in line at the checkout counter.

I've played Skyrim with a 360 controller on PC and the controls weren't a bit different from the console version. What kind of controller are you using?

One of the defining characteristics of a D-pad is that it can be operated with a single thumb. Try using WASD for a fighting game, and see how that works out.

Two clickable trackpads are the most prominent feature of the Steam Controller. a pair of touch-sensitive pads with resolution approaching that of a desktop mouse. It's the logical halfway point between mouse and gamepad control.

I know that trackpads are a poor substitute for sticks, and that's enough for me.

a gamepad with dual trackpads

Spent a couple days with the game now, and with the exception of the size of the game world I have to say Sleeping Dogs did pretty much everything better than GTA:V.

It's not cocky ignorance. It's knowing your target audience. There aren't that many WiiU owners out there anyway, and the ones who are out there are more likely to be playing Wind Waker than GTA. Rockstar's just going where the money is.

Wasn't there a Wolverine movie this year too?

I guess having a latina cheerleader girlfriend is pretty nerdy

"As much as he sounds all frantic and stuff, I'm inclined to agree with him. I'd rather have a dumbed down PC-based shooting than an 'adjusted' console-based shooting."

1) Mouse and Keyboard is better for maybe 70% of the games out there.

Ya, I agree some work better on consoles (like I said before)

Nah, nothing from the missions. It's just people screwing around, mostly.

Console's may not be revolutionary tech wise, but they've offered a lot of contributions software and feature-wise.

Consoles aren't revolutionary tech either, and they sell like crazy. This is just a console (a console is just a gaming PC with a gaming-centric OS) that has access to Steam, and the entire PC ecosystem, including mods. That's VERY attractive to a lot of people who are on the fence about moving to PC gaming.

8, but you can have up to 4 characters per town.

Because they do. Pretty much any 3rd person action game plays better with a gamepad. The only games that are better with K&M are shooters and RTS, or games that require a lot of complicated UI or menu management.