technically a family of 4 and its about 120 A WEEK not counting diapers and wipes.
technically a family of 4 and its about 120 A WEEK not counting diapers and wipes.
seeking asylum is not a federal crime
Wait so people asking for asylum shouldnt know the asylum process is what youre saying? They shouldnt know the name of the interview that will save their lives?
except seeking asylum is not a crime.
persecution, deportation, imprisonment and torture of an identifiable group.
Not so easy. He found the closest approximation to early 90s fashion that is no longer in print.
In unrelated news some shmuck whose name rhymes with softdick has been wiped from Nerdist.
Are these applicable for soft boiled?
Im not black but heres my unasked for take.
You can almost hear the dog go “but but but theres balls!” as they pull him away.
nope. Net neutrality was making it regulatable and forced ISPs to open up last and middle mile infrastructure. The ISPs lobbied against this.
its not their road but it is their asphalt.
It wasnt regulations that were strangling the smaller ISPs it was the other ISPs.
Its really hard to compete with Clooney coolness.
Dude! Do Not Tap on Glass!
nobody thats on your radar has. Their is a world outside the one you observe. Multiple overseas tabloids have insinuated it.
Dont try to climb The Mountain. He doesnt like it.
Its facts. roughly 30% of all asians make a faulty enzyme that does not properly break down alcohol. Its called the Asian Flush/Asian Glow. Some asian ethnicities are at less than 30% and other as high as 40% . There is tons of science on this. Due to this faulty enzyme alcohol breaks down into a carcinogen and there…
They havent. I checked.
Theres an XKCD comic about this.