
No we believe that there is some kind of greater being but dont believe or trust any form of religion.

I think its thanks to Jason Momoa. Hes done a few drinking axe throwing combo videos but he can get away with it being Jason Momoa and all.

These tracks were new. They were built to reduce distance and allow slightly higher speeds (less curves and turns).

Meh comics evolve all the time. I personally feel like a character like Jared cant carry a series by himself. Hes too thin character-wise to do anything but a few arcs solo. I mean there is a clear cut development angle but that would resolve too easily and be done with.

The ex is shown a few times. His job as Commander Badass and the time travel put a strain on their relationship. They would fight, he would go off to fight a space war for 5 years somewhere but be sent two minutes after he left etc etc.

The well adjustedness is the joke.

Yeah ugh I hate how marvel all of sudden started publishing comics about oppressed minorities and hate groups attacking them? What happened to the good old xmen comics? I hate star wars being all preachy about fascicm, I just want my old rebels fighting a giant army of all white soldiers.

it was released during the next gen transition. its a series of michael missions doing murder mystery noir stuff.

When they moved to next gen they did actually have an addition to single player. It was a series of missions for Michael in the noir murder mystery style.

Which is insane because she comes from the fashion world. Like thats how you illegally came to this country and youre not even good at it.

I think the thing with the culinary world is that every single one of them is an abusive asshole. Some are just verbally abusive(ramsay to people who call themselves chefs) while others are just douches. So when someone is accused of something its like this huge gray thing because yeah they all know they arent good

My daily multivitamin that I have friends bring over from overseas has 50micrograms of it. I know people who just get biotin supplements at higher doses but I feel that a standard multivitamin has more than enough considering a fairly balanced diet.

You just got to know the right person. People run them up from down south where they are cheap and flow freely and take a bus up to sell here.

So im pretty much thinking past what was shown in the trailer and wondering about the InGen/Dr. Woo plotline of more mutant dinos. Seeing as we still have half a year to go I imagine that there will be some of that here in 2 and being a much larger factor in 3.

Back in college I was a bit of a horn dog and was knee deep in double entendres. I also picked up a bit of an “aaalll Right” and my friends referred to me as a Quagmire. After that I started saying giggity a lot more. It wasnt the giggling giggity of Quagmire but more of a casual Schwing like from Wayans World.

Well there is the scene where she gets drunk and comes on to him and he states its wrong to take advantage of a drunk woman.

Part of e thinks that the person triggering the missions needs to be in gunrunning. I havent played in a while due to other commitments but im gonna try to carve out some time for this.

It was a kayfabe injury from what I recall. The piledriver is from a different match. They wrote her off TV for a few months and I think she had a few other appearances lined up for that time frame. This is also during the time that her ex started dating the bosses daughter so theres a lot going on here.

Ah D.A.R.E. how many pledges did I sign as a child? How many times did I ask what D.A.R.E. stood for and got no answer in return. How I pledged to never smoke drunk or do drugs no matter what. God how that program has failed.

Would you say this is good for straight waist length hair? I tend to get the small bottles from Duane Reade with the moroccan oil and that lasts me about 2 months. I dont mind buying the colorful stuff since anyone who sees my hair knows that this luxuriousness defies gender boundaries.