Generic Indie Kid

That child is ridiculously cute.

It’s well known in the clubhouse that Jeter is sabotaging the team in hopes of moving them to Miami.

He should have stuck with fencing.

This is exactly the problem. If Trump had been elected sooner, it would have been an American whipping Salka’s ass.

O’Neal on Neil — unworthy, I kneel.

Ah, so the Bernie movement doesn’t exist, never did, and caused the downfall of the Democratic Party! This is an interesting theory and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

Is the DCCC also inversely to blame for the political might the Democrats lost during the Obama era, where nearly a thousand legislative seats they previously held were lost to Republicans? Or do they get credit for good things and not get blame for bad things?

They’re still smarting from Brady taking a knee to end Super Bowl XLIX.

Wow, this team’s motto truly should be “Nah, maybe we should just pass instead!”

Wasn’t the whole point of his drinking that he was in so much pain all the time that it was his way of coping? Seems more depressing than this clip lays out.

“Queen of Filthy Nutmegs” is sad proof that Neutral Milk Hotel is trying too hard to recapture earlier success

He jumped. Next question

It’s funny that the writer and readers of this column are having a problem finding the right headphones for working out when Kinja Deals alerts us all to a deal on Anker wireless sports headphones three to five times a week.

Well, ok. If you insist.

My little brother tried to write a better one, but just didn’t have the energy for it.

You’d think a Packer would know what’s in his luggage.

Ohtani has been awesome, but I’ve seen the fickle nature of the public’s affection for a cool dog from outer space being added to an iconic cat-mouse duo before.

“You worked yourself into a shoot, brother brother.”

I’m all for realism, so maybe we leave Dana in the limo.

It means that everyone knows Boston has a unique history of racism among Northern cities and that Bostonians, consistently for decades, have engaged in overt and covert acts of bigotry unknown in such upstanding cities as Chicago and Philadelphia.