Generic Indie Kid

Farewell Dowd. You and basically everyone working at this site were so much better than J/O Media deserved.

Ragnarok, yeah, but I didn’t see anything particularly specific about the direction of Black Panther.

Protip: If your impulse is to blame the writer, it’s statistically very likely that some asshole studio executive is to blame instead.

Lalo is the only character in the whole BB universe who seems happy. He really likes himself, his work, his uncle, and his belts. I want to see what he does next with an enthusiasm that I don’t feel for Gus at all. It will be sad when the show loses the pure joy of his id. 

As scary as Lalo is, I have to say that what I find endearing about him is the true love he has for his tío. 

He’s got an Oscar, for fuck’s sake.  His managers should be teaching their art in school.

Wow, the McElroys working with a new NBC/Universal backed streaming service? Nothing will go poorly with that THIS time!

Obviously Barry Bluejeans should just be Tom Arnold.

Tom Bodett

But what else should they have been? Double agents? The whole point of the show is about the dangers of white supremacy lurking beneath happy facades. To have it be otherwise would to fundamentally alter the thematic underpinnings of the whole season. The show didn’t have “mysteries”. It had foreshadowing and

All the white supremacists died. Was a perfect resolution for me. Just wish it hadn’t been fictional

This time he phoned in a great performance!

No I think they’re saying that it’s harder to empathize with people who spent their career pointedly not empathizing with others.

Yes, that scene is terrific and reminded everyone what De Niro is still capable of.

Adam Sandler is a character Daniel Day-Lewis has been playing for nearly 30 years.

2+ hours of nothing much happening

The usual definition of a martyr is someone who dies as a consequence of refusing to renounce their beliefs.  

Somehow, I suspect that this will be the first Malick movie I’ve liked since the New World. With all due respect, it sounds like what Mike views as flaws in Malick might work as strengths for me here. 

I dunno. Kinda seems like you’re awful people.

This is a coherent take, especially in response to a write up that does nothing but laud him. Projecting much with the always mediocre bit?