
They definitely have a difference sense of personal space. My new Fedex delivery guy is Ukrainian. Met him for the first time today. He stood uncomfortably close to me as I was signing the electronic signature pad thing. I do not like the new Ukrainian Fedex guy. Do not stand that close to me, you are not my wife.

The settlement offer should have been for clean retail value (not trade-in) as of Sept 2015. Mileage adjusted for the actual mileage that was on the vehicle in Sept 2015 (which I can prove, and further when VW activated the GoodWill packages in December, they took note of the mileage on the vehicle at that time) and

I was too. VW’s criminal act(s) have two victims. The government agencies that were duped into certifying the TDIs as complaint at the time of importation into the USA when the vehicles were brand new. The act of defrauding the consumer took place when every owner of these TDIs signed the purchase _contract_ and paid

And again, basing a mandated buy back on “clean trade-in” value isn’t a valid starting point for me. The two phrases are at odds with each other.

Sure, here is my calculation: VW defrauded me on March 23rd 2013.

If the settlement figures don’t improve, we’ll be taking the option of suing VW in court ourselves. The criminal act of fraud against the consumer took place at the time we purchased our vehicle in the spring of 2013.

April 2013 through Sept 2015 my wife was doing 17k miles a year. Starting Oct 19th 2015, my wife’s new job added considerably to her commute, and she now does 25k miles a year. We get penalized unfairly for the additional mileage that is now accumulating after Sept 2015.

If you were using the FTC value tables published yesterday, those numbers were inclusive of your “generous compensation”. If your vehicle value was $7307 after the mileage adjustment, that is what you’re getting. No $5100 on top of that.

No, they aren’t paying above book value.

Same here. VW tripmeter gives inflated MPG figures. My weekly odometer / pumped gallon calculation, almost always puts me at 39.5-40.5mpg every single week... average weekly mileage total for me is 475-550 miles. Mixed suburban driving and 55-65mph rural country rode driving with minimal stops.

Since this was in California, they were checking to make sure the vehicles passed CARB emissions standards. Lamborghini is a VW brand after-all.

Never mind my post... I’ll see myself out.

Why would you import one from the UK? Most of them came to the USA... and you’ll find better ones here anyway. They’re not that pricey.

Don’t they have better things to do with my tax dollars?

Except, for you know, having to deal with the crowds of peasants at those free Cars and Coffee events.

You try shoving a 1000lb pallet to the front of your pickup truck bed with one of those rubberized high-friction surface texdture spray on bed liners.

It saddens me that James May did not use genuine Hylomar as a sealant and instead used the orange silicone RTV (which always screams “I’m a wanker - and this is the only sealant I know about and I put it on everything”). At least he used it sparingly.

Ehhh. Mathematically it doesn’t change anything for this species’ population count.

7+ billion people on this earth. Eliminating two would have been meaningless.

I’m OK with the outcome.