Help me Obi Wan whoever the fuck you are

It's OK, I totally understand.  I also listened him on an old episode of Anna Faris' podcast and found myself really choked up over how thoughtful and lovely he was answering peoples' questions 

At first I thought "oh I can see how that might be alarming" and then I was like lol actually most people don't have a gigantic piano in their living room so maybe not

SAME. His personality does nothing for me, but then his arms!!! But his hair is dumb and he’s so bland in the face but then his shoulders!!! It’s a Rollercoaster ride of lust

I don’t hate him, he’s just a sort of bro-y douche that generally bores me but those arms... 

Am angry at you and angry at my body for how it just betrayed me when I clicked that Joel McHale link.  

Everything about Tebow is mildly creepy.  Wanna get really weirded out?  Look into his missionary work and their determination to circumsize as many underprivileged boys as possible 

Smothering by manatee cuddles is my ideal death

I am so genuinely sorry about your cat. Two of my three passed about a year ago and it still hurts.  Sending you strength and love.  I hope Mr. Rogers helped a bit too

I am very very excited for Won't You Be My Neighbor.  How many tissues should I bring, precisely? 

I'm using resistbot at least daily (it is my best means of daily resistance) and they're getting more and more cryptic.  Fairly sure Rubio has me on a watch list by now because my messages nearly all end in "winter is coming" 

It’s a crazy concept, but I can, actually, be pissed about more than one thing at a time.

Nail. Head. You hit it. 

Yes. I am a middle ground parent, which is funny because I live in a town where free range parenting is a *thing* and I am viewed as over protective

She didn't change lynch's direct quote at all, only the segue in between.  And even with it there, the sentiment is the same and by the same token one could argue that Hitler was great because Germany now has Angela Merkel. 

Same. Their love gives me nothing but joy. I wish them both decades and decades of happiness and truly hope they will continue to bless us with this kind of content

I starred this, unstarred it, and starred it again just so I could love it twice.

Fingers and toes crossed

This is true but home owners insurance companies have their own rules independent of town rules. They don’t want to pay if a random kid falls in the pool and drowns, so many require a fence around the pool

This may be against their home owner’s insurance. I’d find a way to tactfully ask them about how it effected their insurance to not have a fence around the pool.

There are so many possibilities I neeeeeed to know!